SUMMER READY MEAL PREP | healthy, high protein meals for the week!

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This healthy meal prep menu is for a full 5-day work week and consists of high protein meals that are also macro friendly. All of the …

25 replies
  1. Shelley's keto weight loss Journey
    Shelley's keto weight loss Journey says:

    Recently found you after being on keto for 2 years and losing over 150 lbs love your meal plans and the scale is moving again. Thank you so much for what you do. I have been doing your meals for 2 weeks and have lost 15 lbs and 2 inches off my waist! Looking forward to what you have in store for us next.

  2. betty ballo
    betty ballo says:

    I'm having a hard time starting ur 21 day meal plan. I just realized my husband is a pescatarian but no dairy and by default I am kinda of vegan/pescararian too. I do still eat meat and low fat meat but i don't want to do 2 meals because he is pescatarian/vegan. Love ur meal preps. I may have to just do me for now, I'm sure I have hormonal weight that just won't melt away easily. Thx for what u do Kayla. If you have any suggestions I would appreciate it!!!

  3. MLBplaya64
    MLBplaya64 says:

    Fix your website please! It is so hard to read with all of the ads and it makes the site incredibly slow for anyone using it on mobile.

    I understand it helps generate money for you but it might be worth reconsidering a different alternative to revenue.

  4. Aileen Malave
    Aileen Malave says:

    Bravo! This was a great one! I am a post bariatric person and this is perfect for me. High protein and low carb is perfect for me. I've downloaded the easy grocery list. I definitely want to try this. I love how you include links to the containers you used as well. This can't get any more user friendly. A million thanks!

  5. Windsong
    Windsong says:

    This is such an excellent vid. Ive recently discovered flax seed benefits over chia seeds. What was the name of the company that makes the non toxic cookware. Its expensive but i want to get the frypan only..cant remember the name.


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