Struggling to Stick to Your Diet? Uncover the Secret to Staying Motivated / Daniela Diaries!

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weightlossmotivation #HOWTOLOSEWEIGHT #howtostaymotivated #realisticweightloss #danieladiaries STRUGGLING TO STICK …

23 replies
  1. Christine Giguere
    Christine Giguere says:

    Some really great advice! When motivation wanes determination has to take over. You have to realize that working through the hard now will make it easier later. Always love your message!❤️👍🙂

  2. Jessica Daniels
    Jessica Daniels says:

    I’m at the point in my journey where even when I don’t feel like working out,skipping the gym feels worse than just getting it over with. Don’t wanna let years of progress get away from me. Even if it’s a shit workout, it keeps me in the habit of going!

  3. amy
    amy says:

    I think it’s important to address the lack of motivation. The longer you just push through, could land you in an ugly place.

    When something just feels like another job, we gotta reflect on why. Is the small level of discomfort worth the potential goal? It’s ok if it’s not, we just gotta shift focus to something that is worth it. Constant self reflection is necessary.

    And beyond all that, most important thing is to observe our own patterns. If we know we’re just in that funk we always get into by this point, keep pushing.

  4. Jaclyn Rivera
    Jaclyn Rivera says:

    1st off, you had me dying with you thinking about your cheat meal 🤣, 2nd, such wise words when you said you got to your previous weight by quitting. I never thought of it that way. I'm keeping that in my back pocket when i feel i'm losing motivation!

  5. Anna R
    Anna R says:

    Needed to hear this today. I’m 5 months postpartum and I’m so ready to get back into working out and eating healthier but I just keep putting it off because in the past I’ve always failed. And honestly I’m sick of failing all the time. I want the results, I’ve got to start being consistent

  6. Mae Pelletier
    Mae Pelletier says:

    ♥️👋 bulge battling is an everyday battle. However, staying true to yourself is key even if you have a day! Love your content. We all feel the same if we're being honest with ourselves! You say exactly what I say to myself 😆 . The word "failure" is not an option in my house. Keeping it real simple and clean, I'm mentally in check!

  7. Carolyn Lulinski
    Carolyn Lulinski says:

    Hi Daniela, I think is the weather that is so crazy. Who wants to get out I just want to stay warm & cozy in the house. Its the same old same old. I need a kick in the bottom just something to jump start me again. I know for me I have had serious health issues. My focus has been on just getting through all the testing ,trip to the hospital, doctor visits etc. It’s hard to put my heart into my weight loss journey because my health is overwhelming me right now. I just keep telling myself one thing at a time. My doctor tells me he will help me focus again once the other issues are taken care of.😊

  8. Joy80
    Joy80 says:

    Yes girl consistency over perfection!!
    When I feel down I look back at my fitness journal & see how far I have come. How much stronger I am. Finish the process you will be so glad you did.

  9. Jamie Maxcold
    Jamie Maxcold says:

    I live in Northern Minnesota. I was listening to this while walking on my treadmill in a dark basement. I lol’d.
    I’ve been walking and doing my work paperwork which helps me get my steps in. Cannot wait to get outside to do some jogging. ❤

  10. Michelle Welling
    Michelle Welling says:

    Lol…. Treat meal 😉. You cracking me up. I am being consistent and yep, I am tired. I'm 54 and trying to lose weight and strength training to build muscle. So tired… Lol. But still going….. Cute ass, where are you?? 😂😂.

  11. Yvette Bennett
    Yvette Bennett says:

    It's good to know I am ot the only one lacking motivation.
    Yes keep everything spicy.
    After I am done with my breakfast I am going to make myself a French press coffee for myself. It's what motivated me to get out of bed this morning. 😂😊☕

  12. Michi Roman
    Michi Roman says:

    Girl!!!!!! I needed this video bestie. After keto I feel so lost but now I’m just trying to make better choices in general. But I need to get my butt moving again. Maybe I’ll get me a cute outfit to get it crackin’


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