Stretching your food budget during the coronavirus pandemic

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It’s become increasingly important to make homemade nutritious meals. Celebrity Chef and life expert Cat Cora shows us how to make a budget-friendly meal.

46 replies
  1. P Val
    P Val says:

    Corona is a scam. Will you get mad b? Racketeering in progress. Tim Poindexter at Turtle Bay is dating a criminal!! Trying to shut down innocent business. Some . There is a business in Ohio!!

  2. markeeFe
    markeeFe says:

    Salmon?! With the abundance of all that other stuff? I thought we were in the middle of a pandemic! Now I will really need that stimulus check. Get real!

  3. Peri Rowe
    Peri Rowe says:

    I don’t think she does her own food shopping. Must get gifted salmon for her shows. If she did she would know how expensive wild caught salmon is. You can call her meal healthy but not budget friendly. I bought a small salmon steak for $10.50. It feeds one. Imagine a family of 4 when both parents are now on unemployment.

  4. Vernon Cooke
    Vernon Cooke says:

    Rice and beans, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pancakes, etc for me. Order everything online. No trips to the store. Might have to do without all kinds of goodies I normally enjoy.

  5. Leslie Marie
    Leslie Marie says:

    Budget 😂 …. stretching coins until it’s wire. Plus a lot of tuna, hotdogs, tomatoes, halos, oatmeal and water ( if my pets had it for years, they must be onto something)

  6. Cat Lover
    Cat Lover says:

    Great info & Title… Been considering the Food Budget Alot lately. Especially if & due to Major changes happening with the Food & Grocery stores. Weird times with Food Supplies & essentials with that, etc.. Thanks much for this. Appreciated. 👍

  7. Steny Ethan Mathews
    Steny Ethan Mathews says:

    Buy a 20lb of basmati rice/flour, dry beans/lentils, produce, spices; 2 meals max per day can stretch it to 1 meal a day if needed and you'll be good. Your $$ will go a long way if you do this. Stay away from frozen food except for vegetables/fruit. Typical frozen food will just make you crave for more plus not worth the $$

  8. John Dogswell Gutters the4
    John Dogswell Gutters the4 says:

    I'm not asking for no one to do anything hard I'm just asking could you take a moment while you're sitting at home and figure things out do the math and have the courage to ask a question that no one wants to ask it seems like do the math places that get money donated to them do the math on a toll booth not all of them that would be too hard just one in the numbers if you have a calculator that big is going to blow your mind don't let them people keep riding this off do what are ancestors gave us the power to do make them justify where the money's going as a American taxpayer you deserve to know and I'm telling you if you take the time to do the math you're going to be very surprised cuz I got news for you the people that are brave enough to stand up to them that take the time to do the math they will be the people that they try to get rid of with this virus make no mistake about it it's really a crying shame America has come to this the over-aged leaders that do not want to let go of their power it is a sad country we live in now but you can change it but know you are putting your life at risk by doing so by trying that's my opinion as you sit at home alone take this time to reflect on what you seen on television for the last 4 years and how much power Congress really has over this country how much power people have that have been in power for 50 years or more inflicting their………….? what gives them the right to carry so much power for so long take the time to figure it out and you will come out of this a whole new person for the better

  9. I'm gone
    I'm gone says:

    A box of noodles, a 28oz can of baked beans, a 24oz bottle of Prego, and you're good to go.
    Cheap, tasty, and fills you up.

    Been eating this for years. 💥💨


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