Strategy to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

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Is weight gain through the holidays inevitable? I don’t think so, listen to this video and let me know what you think of the strategy.

14 replies
  1. Island Girl
    Island Girl says:

    I gained five pounds on vacay. I want to drop 10 lbs by 12/31. I’m not looking for perfection but will plan my indulge meals for the season; Thanksgiving (Chinese dinner), BBQ hike meal and on Christmas (fish, chicken, veggies, fruit). I stopped exercising, so I need to plan this out. Yeah five days reset!

  2. Adaora Nwigwe
    Adaora Nwigwe says:

    First year not having "traditional" Thanksgiving food, just keeping it as Moderate Carnivore as possible, will keep all indulgence to a minimum, since that's where the downfall begins. Will hit the gym and be as active as possible during the holiday.

  3. Kingdom Queen Talk
    Kingdom Queen Talk says:

    Hello beautiful, great topic🎉. We all have our temptations, my mom brought my son a birthday cake. I cut him a big piece and threw the rest in the garbage! Unfortunately because I am a recovering sugar and carb addict so I will not partake or indulge. I lost 90lbs and I had enough❤

  4. Audra
    Audra says:

    Careful with the indulgences! After being 'on plan without indulges' for a long while, I had a half teaspoon of honey in tea. Long story short, after drinking about 1/4th of the cup, I got an instant headache and had explosive diarrhea within a half hour at a stranger's home. I am a typical girl and NEVER do a #2 in other people's homes or in public, unless it is an emergency. TMI–I know but I tried ending and leaving and hoping to make the trip home, but I could not 'hold it' in spite of my best efforts. So planning an indulgence is a great way to plan for the unexpected also! Our bodies have changed for the better and we are super sensitive to the carb-garbage (seed oils and veggies) we use to feed ourselves. Great Advice Ede. BTW, the tea with honey was nasty, not at all like my memory of enjoying hot tea with lemon and honey. It was not the worth the disaster I had the deal with.

  5. Jeannette Hassberg
    Jeannette Hassberg says:

    As a new and a "relaxed" carnivore, I am still eating avocados, coffee with "sweeteners", and taking many supplements, many of which have herbs. I am not tempted by things like donuts or cookies, but olive-oil-saturated salads and earthy roasted vegetables, and also fruit like pineapple, apple and mango. My problem has been that living alone, I hate to see anything go "to waste", so frequently I overeat, even on meat only. I'm not obese (yet) and I hate that over-full feeling. I also want to correct painful arthritic joints, so I'm reluctant to "cheat" since weight gain would undermine my mobility, and last week when I did "indulge" in fresh pineapple, I noticed an increase in inflammation. I hope I can make it through these holidays, even living alone which gives me more control over circumstances, eating from loneliness is its own kind of trap.

  6. Kuntry Gyrl
    Kuntry Gyrl says:

    I'm planning on eating some veggies on Thanksgiving. I'm make bone broth from the turkey bones. I'm gonna do a 24hr fast on Monday. To do a reset.

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone

  7. lcrate41
    lcrate41 says:

    Day 43 3B&E. I'm sorry to say I've a Twenty lb weight gain. Sticking to it through the holidays as my mood is so good. Will indulge christmas eve with cookies and chocolate. Then right back into a one day fat fast. Carnivore is so so good for me it's the fantasy of cookies in my mouth, but let's see about the execution. Keep on keeping on.

  8. Grace For Today
    Grace For Today says:

    Holidays continue to be a struggle especially during the holiday season. I will create meals that satisfy my taste and health needs. Nothing tastes as good as health feels! Thank you for this Ede we will keep each other strong!


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