Stop Doing This In Relationships!

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37 replies
  1. Prism on the the horizon
    Prism on the the horizon says:

    What does the kettle and cup symbolise? 🤔

    I need to learn how not to abandon myself in order to please and keep the peace and be too careful with other peoples feelings, needs and wants above my own feelings, needs and wants, I fawn out of C-PTSD, I'm trying to break the cycle!

  2. Regina
    Regina says:

    Familiar may have a deep subconscious belief that he's my soulmate. And he's just not!! He's my damaging relationship on repeat. Wake up girls! Me, too

  3. Pierre Lumiere
    Pierre Lumiere says:

    Also most rush into things without knowing the other in relationship. You must know them first do not rush in as the Bible calls it only fools rush in. When the person is raised with the right values then finding love within themselves is first key before they can reflect love to show another. If they find it within themselves first then finding a soulmate will be easier because their heart will know how to treat others and show what love can be without the word. Love is shown not just spoken. Most have forgotten what love is and though they say the word they mean not the feeling and it’s empty. To these individuals I feel sad over because while others try to find the right one you may miss the right one and by choice of picking it can either be good or end your life in misery. Know the person and help them if you love them. They will show their love in ways that you will know their into you and as many months turn into years you two grow together as one and the energy exchange from this words cannot describe.❤ love the videos.

  4. Noora
    Noora says:

    That’s why it’s important to try something new every now and then in order to get familiar with other things, people and situations.

  5. Eri
    Eri says:

    Just wanted to tell you that Im thankful for everything that you've said, every educative words in some of your yt shorts I watched and ngl I relate to all of that. You made me realize that, and Now I'm aware of myself and I hope someday I could get better


    We are taught to hold onto the Vishnu gene ie preserve dont topple the apple cart
    But there comes a time when the Shiva gene needs to be invoked to topple the apple cart and destroy status quo …

  7. dd
    dd says:

    For those asking how to break the cycle

    work on urself
    See what things or unmet needs the other person is providing u,Nd then provide it urself to u,
    For eg,they listen to u,or show u appreciation,validation,then instead of asking them,talk to urself,record it,and listen,do what u love,give urself a treat,appreciate urself,validate urself

    Also remember that we all are flawed,but if u can accept others by knowing their flaws,why not accept urself,nd love and respect urself the way u do to them

    Dont try to control them,dont freak out if they do anything wrong,or dont think of predictions that they might cheat,or leave u,just let them be
    Write reasons that why they will leave u,and why this thought comes to ur mind,Work on those reasons,and be irreplacable
    Provide safe space to people,for being what they are,donot over expect,dont control them
    Be vulnerable with right people,give ur trust but if its broken,walk away,and trust urself that u will get a better version,also trust on ur ability to handle any thing bad that come to ur ways

    Its all about how much u trust urself,nd love urself,
    Always fulfill promisws u make to urself,this is key of developing self trust

    All the best,keep learning,bless u🙌❤

  8. Carter Sessal
    Carter Sessal says:

    Omg, I just realised how powerful the way you grow up in really is. If you grow up and have a healthy surrounding you seek what's familiar so you seek the healthy environment on your own. If you grow up in a bad environment you seek that in your life. Instead of a healthy one which would heal you. You need to become your own healer and do the work yourself if you've f.e. been bullied as a child (like me). You need to change what you seek, you need to build a healthy surrounding up by your own in the full awareness that you are worth it. And that you can love yourself ❤

  9. Olivia
    Olivia says:

    I listened to it on repeat ❤❤❤
    I knew this one. And I can assure you it's so uncanny to attempt at writing a new & unfamiliar story
    Wonder, why brains, post knowing all the facts seek the unhealthy. Isn't it so screwed up? Someone like me who is highly sorted & so clear still ending up in "familiar" situation…
    Was my brain picking up familiarity or was I rebounding what was unrequited!
    New story will be beautiful, I know so. I say this to friends seeking comfort in me, I need to listen to it myself.
    It's time ❤❤❤

  10. Madhavi Pragada
    Madhavi Pragada says:

    Im actually going though alot at home
    And at school and I really cant control all of the pressure and problems like i cant get anything off my mind. Is there a way to avoid all of these thoughts?like anyway you know off

  11. 14nn01
    14nn01 says:

    @DrJulie I’m just wondering if you think it’s ok to have days off school for mental health because my school do not accept that as a valid excuse for not being there ❤ love you and all the help you provide

  12. vally ♡
    vally ♡ says:

    i keep always kettling my friends manipulate and walk over me because of past friendship issues, and i’m scared to lose them again and i don’t know how to stop

  13. Paromita Bhattacharyya
    Paromita Bhattacharyya says:

    I badly needed to hear this from someone. I am divorced now. And it feels peaceful. However somewhere I am still wishing what if we could have the relationship on. Although I know now that it was a toxic unhealthy relationship with unequal give and take.

    I hope I will get over it soon.


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