Stop Boiling Pasta in WATER, You'll Thank YOU!

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39 replies
  1. @Jaszi007
    @Jaszi007 says:

    Vegan butter is less healthy than regular butter BUT if thatโ€™s what you like thatโ€™s what you like.
    Also since youโ€™re trying different ways to cook pasta I recommend trying boiling pasta in MILK!! Itโ€™s pretty good.

  2. @jameslaidler2152
    @jameslaidler2152 says:

    Hey folks. Anyone throwing a fit over the vegan butter can just, use regular butter when you make ot yourself. He's quite free to eat what ever the Hell he chooses. I'd use the real thing myself, but that's the whole fang point of food. Make what you like how you like it. Kay folks? Good talk.

  3. @asambi69
    @asambi69 says:

    Butter isnt vegan, therefore there is no such thing as vegan butter. Just a sad marketing attempt to sell a product that has nothing in common with butter.

  4. @tridsonline
    @tridsonline says:

    ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Thanks for the common sense about washing mushrooms!
    Also, thanks for the risotto connection .. my Mom was an expert with her one-pot-pastas, but i was too young to pay attention to her technique. Since then, i concluded she had some trick or formula to figure out how much water to use .. until now ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Thanks again!

  5. @Xbox360gamer5000
    @Xbox360gamer5000 says:

    I disagree with the point of boiling the mushrooms.
    mushroom have such high water content you can sear them without oil and later on they'll release ist+ you get more roast Aromas ๐Ÿ˜Š after that I would've added the broth and water then als the aromatics would've get dissolved in the stock


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