Stock Your Pantry For The Holidays – Prepping For Food Shortages

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Stock Your Pantry For The Holidays – Prepping For Food Shortages Higher Prices Facing Uncertain Future Roasting Pan with Rack

32 replies
  1. Maxi Bake
    Maxi Bake says:

    Great advice, get it now, before it's gone.
    I am always Prepped in the Baking department/usually, and got all my Christmas fare back in early September, I only need some fresh vegetables closer to the day, but have frozen veg at a push.
    If anyone is having trouble getting Yeast, (or in the future,) you can get Champagne Yeast from Homebrew ingredient stockists, it's the exact same strain as Breadmaking Yeast, is usually cheaper, & it comes in 250g/500g tubs, you can store it in your Freezer. Came in very handy back in March 2020, when Yeast was impossible to find here in UK.
    TFS, Happy Halloween, & take care everybody. ๐ŸŽƒโค๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿถ

  2. Obelisk Seattle
    Obelisk Seattle says:

    Crisco Candles – Saw on another channel a great modest – but long term – light and heat source – cans of Crisco with candles (birthday or other) imbedded in them. Wow, they last days or weeks. What a option!!

  3. Sherry Woodrum
    Sherry Woodrum says:

    I was unable to find a turkey in 5 different stores, so I bought a turkey breast which will work for the two of us. Already have most everything else in preps and freezer. Still need to buy fresh sweet potatoes, but that's it. Feels good to be ready. Great reminders!

  4. Arkansas Lady
    Arkansas Lady says:

    I picked up my turkey today for Christmas. My Thanksgiving turkey is in the freezer waiting. I have everything for both dinners except for pie shells. If I can't get pie shells, I know I have all ingredients and pans to make some. Yes, plan ahead and get the stuff while you can. Thanks for another great video!

  5. ea mer
    ea mer says:

    Yes get it I saw a vintage cookbook had 4 whole baked cornish hens on a platter. Their feet were all pointed to the center..I thought Thanksgiving 2021..platter 4 chickens on a bed of lettuce with cherry tomatoes and sliced lemon at their feet..we might have to be creative!

  6. S J
    S J says:

    Thanks for the advice and ideas! It can be stressful when you can't find ingredients for holiday meals. Flexibility will be key this year. Take care! ๐Ÿ’œ

  7. Linda Wright
    Linda Wright says:

    If you cannot find the exact ingredients you need for the recipe for one of your family's favorite holiday dishes, consider ingredient substitutions that would work. For example if your pie recipe calls for canned pumpkin pie filling, you may have to make do with canned pumpkin puree or canned sweet potatoes that you puree plus add some extra sugar and some ground spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg. Check out the recipes in several cookbooks for variations on a family favorite and you may find one that uses the kind of ingredients you can get.

    If you want to make that green bean and condensed mushroom soup casserole with the crispy fried onion topping and just cannot find one of the key ingredients, you may have to substitute an ingredient and change the cooking steps. Maybe you will have to use frozen green beans or sliced Brussels raw sprouts instead of canned green beans. Or maybe you will have to use condensed cream of onion or cream of chicken soup instead of cream of mushroom. Perhaps you will have to use some salad croutons drizzled with butter instead of the fried onion bits.

    If you cannot find a whole frozen turkey to thaw a few days before the holiday, you may have have to make do with a rolled turkey breast or a pair of large whole chickens that you fill with stuffing. If it is a whole, cooked ham that you want and cannot find, maybe you will have to buy an uncooked ham and bake it at home or stack some raw ham steaks with some rings of canned pineapple and brown sugar between the layers and bake that.

    If all else fails, maybe you can start a new family tradition by preparing a non-traditional meal of food you already know your family likes. There is no law that says you cannot have homemade lasagna for your Thanksgiving meal or home cooked beef stew or seafood gumbo for your Christmas dinner. It is not so much about having all the traditional dishes for your holiday meal — it is much more about family togetherness and enjoying an abundant meal together.

  8. Penny Holland
    Penny Holland says:

    Great video! I started buying ahead for all the upcoming holidays meals a few weeks ago. It's just our immediate family and since everyone has just the one day off, resting and enjoying time together has become the focus, so we try to keep the meals simple.

  9. Megan Richardson
    Megan Richardson says:

    We almost never cook the Turkey because weโ€™re eating with extended family and we bring side dishes. But I bought a couple small pre-cooked turkey breasts and put them in the freezer just in case. I also picked up stuffing mix , and we always have mashed potatoes, gravy, and pumpkin and baking supplies! I wanted to be ready in case of shortages, but also in case of sickness , weather, or Covid restrictions suddenly getting worse again. Itโ€™s so good to know that we are prepared to have a lovely thanksgiving even if we have to keep to ourselves. I have also prepared some fun New Yearโ€™s Eve items and sparkling cider, etc. We donโ€™t have a โ€œtypicalโ€ Christmas meal, so Iโ€™m not as prepared for that. Except of course for all our food storage. But I HAVE bought all my kids presents and stocking stuffers already so I can relax and feel better about that!

  10. Liz Workman
    Liz Workman says:

    I got everything I need for the holidays, even the turkey for only $.84 a pound. I told all my kids to get their stuff now or do without. It's good knowing your food is secure and your ready for anything.

  11. Tennessee Hillbillie
    Tennessee Hillbillie says:

    Love your mashed potatoes in the crockpot idea,the only thing easier is instant mashed potatoes, one of my favorite desserts is an old fashioned baked blackberry pudding, we use frozen wild berries we picked during the summer as they are abundant on several of my family's farms, but you can substitute with whatever berries you have on hand,we've used wild cherries, persimmons and pawpaws, but my favorite will always be blackberry.

  12. R M Robinson
    R M Robinson says:

    Great reminder, AG! I noticed my local Walmart has many holiday meal ingredients out on sale. I will definitely be going over there this week to stock up! I'm going to try your recipe. Sounds delightful!

  13. Rachel Kivarkis
    Rachel Kivarkis says:

    Thank you, thank you, for all ur advice.
    Nowadays, we canโ€™t wait, u r absolutely right.
    I started looking at turkeys, and truly, all they had at the shop, were two turkeys.
    Next time, meaning next week, I will start buying, all I need for the holidays.
    Thanks again. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŒนโค๏ธ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’

  14. Jane Dow
    Jane Dow says:

    Why is it holiday cooking? Nobody cooks beyond Thanksgiving and Christmas? Mashed potatoes is very easy to make. And they are staples aren't they? Year around food. Peel potatoes. Cut, boil, mash. Add hot milk (never cold unless you want purple mashed potatoes), and don't skimp on butter. Several things can be added from garlic and green onions to bacon and salami. Cranberry sauce is easy to make, so if you don't have a can, get fresh (frozen), all you need is water and sugar. To make them special, add a splash of orange liqueur, brown sugar, cinnamon stick, vanilla, and other spices. Best tasting one is when you boil with cranberries a sour apple and orange. Cut them in 4 pieces, don't peel. Remove after sauce is done. You can eat those fruit instead of throwing away. They are very tasty. Fresh green beans can be used for casserole. Fried mushrooms added really elevate the dish itself. All of it is easy to make.


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