Still Smiling in Pantry Challenge – WEEK #2

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Week #2 of our January Pantry Challenge! You can learn more about the challenge by viewing this video: …

42 replies
  1. Linda Arnold
    Linda Arnold says:

    This was awesome and I am encouraged to try this with my husband. It is easy to let things sit in a freezer or pantry and it is so important to rotate. Looks like you had fun! Thanks for sharing with us! Happy Belated Birthday Tad!

  2. Carrie M
    Carrie M says:

    My husband likes soup but not as much as I do….so I take left over meats and put into freezer vac seal bags when I need it I fill a wrap or toasted day old homemade bread with the meat, cheese, and other toppings, grill in a iron skillet with a press and then he has a soup dunker which he loves. Makes him a heartier meal.

  3. Augusta Gootee
    Augusta Gootee says:

    Where do u get your lemon juice the place around been selling expired lemon juice and I didnt recognize to went pour in my water was like what that smell and it was the lemon. So not good

  4. Claude Parish
    Claude Parish says:

    Pam says- steak doesn't actually have to thaw before you put it in the oven as long as you like a rare to medium steak. I've only done this on store steak less than an inch thick. 450 F oven for 10 minutes on first side, 5 minutes second side then start checking for how you like it. A meat thermometer is useful. Or else take it out when a fork doesn't draw blood. Don't forget to let it rest before eating. I also use butter 2-3 tbsp on top of frozen steak with my dry seasonings. Edit: I am at sea level. Adjust accordingly for altitude.

  5. Debbie's Homeplace
    Debbie's Homeplace says:

    I also use shelf stable milk in the cartons. I use them for cooking and hot or cold cereal. Loved all the different foods, they looked yummy. Those pizza's though, yum! Glad you had a wonderful birthday Todd. Congratulations! So excited to hear about Abigail's engagement, how exciting and so happy for her, loved her reaction! So I gather this is the wedding you were talking about upcoming at the 1870's Homestead, eh? So happy for you guys too!

  6. Kathy Reid
    Kathy Reid says:

    Happy Birthday Todd! What an aging surprise you managed Rachel..Congratulations and best wishes to your daughter and future son in law. I have enjoyed your pantry challenge videos. And thank you all for your service and sacrifice.

  7. Backyard Gardener
    Backyard Gardener says:

    ok… I had to stop the video… Todd has CLEARLY worked in a restaurant at some point… his knife skills… his pasta into the frying pan with the shrimp and sauce… home chefs don't do that. Annd the reason I stopped to type this… the frying pan sauté of the carrots…. the man has SKILLS !

    Todd tell us that history. Please 🙂

    Love the videos

  8. di butler
    di butler says:

    I used to keep dry powdered milk for emergencies when my children were small. I would mix it with water and a teaspoon of room temp butter in my blender and put it in the fridge. The kids thought it was "real" milk with the added bit of butter fat added back.

  9. Molly Smith
    Molly Smith says:

    Happy Belated Birthday! It is interesting seeing the creative meals you make from your pantry. I've got to go through your older videos and look for more lamb recipes because last fall I got some beautiful local lamb and need more ideas for it beyond gyros. Hubby wouldn't eat Shepherd's pie unfortunately but yours looked good.

  10. Theresa Webb
    Theresa Webb says:

    Hello! I was wondering if you could tell me where you found that jar lid lifter tool you used in this video, Todd? I try to save my lids for my dehydrated jars to save some money, but my bottle opener seems to destroy them every time..thanks in advance! 🌻☺️

  11. wendiwoo100
    wendiwoo100 says:

    I’m jealous your hubby cooks… I would be so thankful for just one night a week of my man helping with meal preparation
    Love your channel on so many levels living your best life and allowing me to live through it along side you all!

  12. Central Texas Homestead - Mike and Rochelle
    Central Texas Homestead - Mike and Rochelle says:

    Love the food videos, only problem is yawl make us so hungry. LOL Planning the rest of our week now. We are using as much canned and stored as we can to FIFO (First in First Out) or pantry. We are starting seed in our mud room, here in Texas we plant our spring garden March 15th and it will go on until September. 300 onion were planted in late December. We had to put row cover due to temps getting in the 30's but the are doing very well. Love the channel! our is coming soon. God Bless.

  13. Home Right
    Home Right says:

    Hi guys! We just found your channel through the #Threeriverschallenge. Shrimp and pasta are a go-to for us also when we are "HANGRY" (love that!!). Thanks for sitting down and sharing dinner time. This challenge is making cooking together FUN again! We love searching for new recipes. Happy Birthday Todd.


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