STICKY TOFFEE PUDDING (possibly the greatest dessert of all time)

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The classic British dessert, Sticky Toffee Pudding, maybe the greatest dessert of all time. I found the best recipe for it. Learn how to make it, its the perfect thing to …

28 replies

    Sorry for not presenting in grams…When I use recipes that are in grams, I do the conversions myself to cups because I don't have a scale, hopefully, you can do the same. no excuses. Happy Holidays, thank you for a life-changing year.

  2. Horse Nuts
    Horse Nuts says:

    I can’t imagine this would be ‘right’ without Golden Syrup. It’s a syrup that has no real substitute (in the same way that maple syrup has no substitute).

    Americans can buy Tate & Lyle Golden Syrup on Amazon. Everybody else can actually make it themselves from sugar by referring to other YouTube videos.

  3. whatsupdate
    whatsupdate says:

    I really respect that you give attribution to this recipe. So many people would just claim it was their own recipe without giving respect. Mad respect to you for doing it right

  4. richard heilmann
    richard heilmann says:

    Sticky Toffee Pudding is one of my wife's favorite desserts at a local Irish Pub (in Pittsburgh). We haven't gone there since the whole Covid-19 issues began in January. So when I saw your video I knew that I would have to try making it. I served it today as one of her Christmas presents. I had to substitute Agave syrup for the golden corn syrup, and I mixed it all by hand, but it turned out great!. Also, I put cupcake papers into the muffin tins, so cleanup was easier. Thanks. You really nailed this recipe!

  5. Masia Uuu
    Masia Uuu says:

    I'm definitely making this for Christmas this year, I have a feeling this dessert will be the only good thing that happened to me in 2020 🤣🤣🤣 thanks for the recipe 🙌

  6. Olga Kim
    Olga Kim says:

    Possibly the "greatest" dessert, ever? That simple to make English dish? Um…I'm sure the French would have words about that. But delicious all the same. And where's the creme anglaise. Not to replace the sauce, but to go with it.

  7. Blake Cockrell
    Blake Cockrell says:

    So I couldn't find black treacle and I wanted to be super authentic when making mine. Anyways I ended up finding different recipes on how to make treacle and ended up making it myself. It came out so amazing! Yes it was tedious and yes it took some time but it was well worth it


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