Steamed pork buns in the instant pot

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Mormozine and I make delicious steamed pork buns in the instant pot.

11 replies
  1. Jeenkz K
    Jeenkz K says:

    Apparently the movie you’re talking about is called The Untold Story. The synopsis says it’s based on a true story!I’m looking around but can seem to find it unless is an Amazon rental. If anyone knows where it can be seen please let me know.

  2. Charles Wilcher
    Charles Wilcher says:

    Great cooking vid…well I'm not going to complain I asked for more cooking shows and more vids with that side kick ..I forgot his name..what me worry…no that's not it…please tell me Andy or anybody… Oh also all that bun bread would block you up…look on the good side your now the poor man's Julia Child's…maybe try cooking the food while talking in a heavy English accent..good show!!!


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