Staying Keto When You're Family is NOT || Dinner Ideas

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I’m so excited to bring today’s video to y’all…partly because it’s a collab with one of my favorite friends here on YouTube and partly …

20 replies
  1. Indigo Nili
    Indigo Nili says:

    Love love love the video! Thanks so much for plugging my book! You are the sweetest! I love that your dinners are simple… So many people try to make keto complicated by making keto versions of carby things (pot pies, pizza, etc.) but SO much real food is keto friendly and it is truly easy eat keto AND to keep it simple! Love ya, girl! 💙💙💙

  2. Holly B
    Holly B says:

    Like to see simple Keto. So many people make it so complicated, when it doesn't have to be. Watched Nili for several years. Nice to find another great YouTuber to watch. Thanks!

  3. Sarah P
    Sarah P says:

    I LOVE Nili😀. Thanks for this video. Loved seeing what y’all are eating on the keto/low carb plan. Need to try the flautas (spelling??🙃). I have been keto/low carb since 2018 and love finding new SIMPLE ideas.

  4. Salbug59
    Salbug59 says:

    Totally agree with you about Nili! Such a calming way about her. And the kids!!!♥️ Such a sweet family. I’ve always been afraid of keto, partly because of the high fat, but also I gravitate more to fruits and vegetables and potatoes, but I don’t eat cheese or any dairy.

  5. Lindsey Murphy
    Lindsey Murphy says:

    Been subbed for a long time and was so glad to see you and Nili do a collab! I’ve been THM/keto since 2016 and it was a mental workout at the beginning to be sure I didn’t have to cook a bunch of different meals for me vs my fam. Now hubby is keto with me and our girls are eating just like us with added carb veg/grains. I found Nili and you back in 2016 and y’all definitely helped my health experience 👍🏻

  6. Trace
    Trace says:

    Wow! I hope you don’t mind me saying, those meals are TINY! Especially the second ones. Were your kids not immediately asking snacks after eating?! X


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