Stay Slim & Cool with this QUICK Keto Dessert

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This 3 INGREDIENT Keto Jello Whip is like eating clouds! Thanks to LMNT for sponsoring this video! Head to …

23 replies
  1. Harla Wood
    Harla Wood says:

    I just made this today and I’m in Heaven! 🍓 I wish I could post a picture! Their is one thing that helped. My cream wouldn’t peak so I stuck it in the fridge for a few minutes to get colder then whipped it again to get it to peak. So delicious in the taste test! Can’t wait to start eating tomorrow! Yum and thank you! I am so enjoying Keto this time around and so happy to have your amazing recipes to help me stay on it! Have you ever made pumpkin bread for the fall? I would love to get a recipe for you! Your the best! Simple delicious recipes! 🥰🙏🏻

  2. mstyblu379
    mstyblu379 says:

    You just saved me from making a horrible decision. I've been so hungry for a good Keto dessert and now that I've found this, I'm sooooo anxious to make it today and be able to stay true to my Keto journey. Thank you so very much. {{ hugs }}

  3. bm dwell
    bm dwell says:

    Do they say why they use carageenan in their product? I was so excited to see no aspartame.. seems to always be a questionable ingredient in products now.

  4. Annabella Redwood
    Annabella Redwood says:

    Thank you so much. I've got a sore throat so this is perfect. I love a good flummery… I've made it with evaporated milk but not with cream cheese and cream. I'm sure it'll taste yummy. 😊

  5. Janet R
    Janet R says:

    An oldie but a goodie! :-))))))). Thanks for reminding me just how much I love this. Use to eat this all of the time during my beginning journey with keto about 16 years ago. But of course back then we only had sugar free Jello brand. Perfect for summer. 🙂


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