Stay at home mom routines | baking, canning, and homemaking

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Baking sourdough bread, pressure canning soup, and making meals from scratch for my family plus chatting a little bit about a …

27 replies
  1. @stephaniebloodworth7990
    @stephaniebloodworth7990 says:

    Hi, I have just started making sourdough four days in .I have a few questions . What kind of flour are you actually using? I know you said to use unbleached, flour now the second question I have when it is time for me to discard what do I do with the discard? Do I feed it or start making pancakes or cookies with it? And is it enough?

  2. @bluebird7546
    @bluebird7546 says:

    The soup is perfect for this time of the year ❤
    You’re Right about Amish canning in fact some don’t even pressure can, they only do water bath. Our country is one of the few that use pressure canners in a home setting. It comes down to using your own judgement when canning “unapproved “ recipes.

  3. @MrsIzzy52
    @MrsIzzy52 says:

    I am a newbie to sourdough and as of yet haven’t started making it but your videos have been fabulous in teaching me a better way than others. I measure with my heart and I have a good feel for food in general. It’s just my hubby David , I and our Cocker Spaniel dog Stanley. I am disabled and mostly bedbound but I want back into my kitchen so I have a stool for disaabled folk which means I can cook again. My gut is very unpredictable but i have noticed that eating Rye sourdough has eased a lot of my problems, my niece is also very ill with breast cancer and she is in chemo at the moment but she and I are both changing our food for the better and we are going to be doing your sourdough starter from scratch using Rye for me with a little all purpose and she is going all purpose with bread flour so we will be comparing our couple of starters that we are making, she is 350 miles away from me in England and I am a true Scotswoman, I can’t wait to be able to make our style of pancakes using sourdough. Mind you I won’t be allowed many as a diabetic but one thing we have noticed in our home is that Stanley is a bread snob, he will only ever eat sourdough bread if I have some to share. Your baby bump is out of this world and I can’t wait to see this little one snuggled while mama works. If you don’t share then I totally understand
    I just wanted to say a huge thank you to you for having us in your home & for teaching us along the way. Much love to you & your family Isabella ❤

  4. @kerryannpassarello2873
    @kerryannpassarello2873 says:

    I have started a sourdough started following your method and guidance. It’s been 15 days now and I am getting a frothy bubbly sourdough however it doesn’t even come close to doubling between the 12 hours of feeding. Any advise would help!! Thank you your hard work of inspiring use all in the ways of homesteading.

  5. @jesiennywrzos8141
    @jesiennywrzos8141 says:

    I really like baking bread, just like you, but with yeast. AFTER the last video, I decided to make sourdough and a new adventure. I've had it for a week now and I'm going to make the cake today. I don't know what the outcome will be, but I'm curious what the effect will be. Greetings and health to your child.

  6. @Emilyann04
    @Emilyann04 says:

    Hi! Have you ever tried giving up gluten for your thyroiditis? I have thyroid issues popstpartum as well, and this helped tremendously. There’s some link with gluten & thyroid. Although it’s so sad to give up sourdough! Thought I would mention it 😊

  7. @relliot1000
    @relliot1000 says:

    Your videos are my favorite. Your tip about feeding my starter more flour and less water allowed me to bake my very first sourdough loaf! I’m so thankful for your videos teaching me so much!

  8. @m4shey539
    @m4shey539 says:

    Can you adopt me? I'm only 68yrs old so I would spend the day in the kitchen with you and gladly help. I do windows!! Ladies like you I am in awe of. So so smart in this day and age! Back in the day we fell for the "if you dont work outside the home you're less", propaganda. I would like a do over! Could watch you every day! Thank you for all the knowledge you give! God Bless you and your lil family!

  9. @annaberlin1257
    @annaberlin1257 says:

    I just wanted to let you know , I just started watching your channel this week. I have been searching for sourdough starter! I just love your videos. Very homey and I love that you talk about Jesus, proverbs etc! Just a great feeling here!!!❤❤❤ good luck with your baby and birth! I will keep watching.

  10. @morningstarhomestead
    @morningstarhomestead says:

    If you would like to learn to make absolutely delicious whole grain sourdough, there is a YouTube channel called Ellie's everyday sourdough. It really does require a different technique, but in my opinion, the results are so worth it. I enjoy the flavor so much more and I rarely use all-purpose when making bread now

  11. @APeacefulPursuit
    @APeacefulPursuit says:

    This is helpful! I'm a stay at home mom but financially I work part time from home and I have to give myself a lot of grace with the schedule because of that. It's helpful for me to hear how other people run their homes and to realize that I'm not doing anything wrong – sometimes life happens and we adjust accordingly! You're glowing also, mama ❤


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