Starting the Off Grid Kitchen | Sowing seeds for Autumn and Winter | A Day in Our Life – England

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Welcome to Our Smallholding Adventure! Today we are catching up with jobs on the smallholding, including working in the veg …

8 replies
  1. Kim Bradley
    Kim Bradley says:

    Hi Tracy. I've got tomatoes coming out of my eyes lol. In the middle of my puny harvest (compared to yours) hubby has ripped the old shower out and I'm getting a new bathroom. We're on day 3 now and tomorrow we get the shower running YAY! Good job our son lives next door so we've been using his! Steven is a flippin hero, that tree 🌲 Good luck with the challenge, for 25 quid at Aldi you'll get a right trolly full 😄

  2. Amanda R
    Amanda R says:

    Lol Steve and the tree! 😆

    Got it done, tho’!!

    How’s the Aga? 😬

    The lamb recipe looked tasty. I’m busy canning paste tomato juice, pizza sauce, spagbol sauce and salsa before the Oct 1st deadline. Hoping to get beef brisket to pressure can with carrots for easy quick stews/soups. And fermenting cherry tomatoes. Might try fermented salsa!

    Are you freezing excess eggs?

    Take care.

  3. Sara Walker
    Sara Walker says:

    You have reminded me to sow spinach etc. I did swede in a tray and half killed them 🤦🏻‍♀️ your really inspiring me to think about everything I do. A good kick up the bum to sort my s@&t out and stop wasting stuff. 🎉

  4. Bloo's Self Reliance
    Bloo's Self Reliance says:

    Hahahaha Tanny took a tree out of our front and broke every spade, pick and even the axe…. So he got so angry with it he tried to run it over with the work van lmao!!!
    Everything’s looking great hun … Tanny and I are following along with the grocery challenge. I’m now walking to the supermarket to pick up things as needed and we have a £25 a week budget as well … it also has to cover everything I need for videos and Christmas … this from the man who’s given me a list of half the butchers for the day lol although that’s half our years meat cooked and frozen or made into meals then too so not so bad xox


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