Starch Solution Weight Loss | HCLF Vegan Diet | Buckwheat Bowl Pea Soup Lentil Mushroom Pasta

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Another video showing you WHAT I EAT IN A DAY for Starch Solution Weight Loss. Today I enjoyed a new Starch Solution Recipe …

22 replies
  1. Colleen Dawes
    Colleen Dawes says:

    As some others have said, dry fry your buckwheat groats first after rinsing, then cook the same way you cook rice, quinoa, with enough water to cook in, lid on and then you let it steam. I really like buckwheat as an alternate grain for lunch or dinner. Hadn't thought of it for breakfast apart from buckwheat pancakes (grinding the uncooked groats into flour). I am with you with oats for breakfast.

  2. hoodmonster1
    hoodmonster1 says:

    Fabulous video as usual. Great recipe ideas, especially the soup and pasta dishes. Not so sure on buckwheat though, but may still give it a go. Thanks for taking the time to share. Looking forward to the recipe book. 😋😋

  3. Olga K.
    Olga K. says:

    If you roast buckwheat in a dry pen for some minutes stirring all the time before cooking it, there will be much more flavour. I love buckwheat with veggies.

  4. Sabrina Nojiri
    Sabrina Nojiri says:

    Absolutely loving your channel. Thank you for sharing, Natalie and please keep up the great work!
    About your cookbook, is it going to be a physical book? And if so, is delivery to Japan going to be available?

  5. Penni Lopez
    Penni Lopez says:

    LOVE the cinnamon and apples……….with oatmeal! Lol! Yea, I tried buckwheat last year and the bowl of it took a long time to go down the hatch. Same with Amaranth. I forgot what I made with it, but it was just not my group of grains. But, how will we know if we do not try, right? 🤔😫
    The split pea looks delicicious. I like a little bit of chunks in my soups, so I puree about half.
    Yep, believe are the BEST lentil. That recipe looks really good. Ill be eating that tomorrow.

    By the way, I made the banana pancakes with a berry sauce and gave some to my carnivore neighbor. She's always saying "you know, keep this up and I'll be a vegan soon too!". Yep, I'll just keep delivering her more dishes of yumminess……😊😊😊

  6. Lisa Klemm
    Lisa Klemm says:

    I've very new to The Starch Solution and will be picking up the book from my library tomorrow. Correct me if I"m wrong regarding what your "mission: is with your channel, but I thought each meal is composed of a 50-50 plate/bowl. This breakfast menu would not be sustaining for me and I'm not a really big women..just barely in her BMI. I simply wish to lean up a bit with a couple pounds loss. Otherwise, I've enjoyed your meal ideas and look forward to gathering more ideas.

  7. Samantha Rose
    Samantha Rose says:

    Great video 🥰 thanks for sharing. Have never tried buckwheat. I buy my oats in bulk so they are always handy but keen to try the buckwheat for something different. I've got a small bag of freekeh in the pantry, be keen to know if you have tried it…as I haven't yet! I love a good bolognaise, looks delicious 🤗

  8. Claudia-Michaela Hoeft
    Claudia-Michaela Hoeft says:

    A video full of inspiration, thanks Nathalie. I love buckwheat and always have some pre cooked in the refrigerator. Boil it just in water, you can use it like rice or as a substitute for oats. For breakfast I just warm a splash of soymilk, put in some raisins, mushed banana half of an apple or pear, than add the buckwheat and turn the heat of. Let it rest for a few minutes. My grandchildren love it, but I‘m mad with oats too. Lovely greetings from Germany

  9. Rosemary
    Rosemary says:

    I'm a new subscriber and really enjoying your Channel. I have made Buckwheat and remember that I heard that TOASTING the grains first, gives a great taste to the cooked Buckwheat. I SO love oats too!!

  10. Dawn Klinter
    Dawn Klinter says:

    Buckwheat makes good pancakes. Have you tried sorghum? It’s texture is a bit more firm and chewy than oatmeal, and it has a nutty flavor. It’s good mixed with oatmeal for breakfast, or by itself in a bowl type meal with greens and veggies etc…( Buddha bowl). Love you’re recipes and am really looking forward to your cookbook!
    Thanks for sharing!

  11. Belinda Traviss
    Belinda Traviss says:

    I use Plant Based Dads basic buckwheat recipe, doubling the quantity and adding (when the BW is cooked) 2 x cups of frozen berries liquidised , and the recipes spices. Once this is cold I pour into a container and place in the fridge. You can then take a ‘slice’ add more water or plant milk to rehydrate, as it firms up, topping with sliced banana and date syrup, for a fast breakfast, over 4 days +. I alternate this with a similar recipe but use oats, can’t let go of my inner Goldilocks go quite yet, I will try the soup and pasta this week, thanks.

  12. Kristy Shupe
    Kristy Shupe says:

    All of your meals look amazing today! Thank you for sharing, it gives me so many ideas and variety! I just love this clean way of eating, wish I had discovered it sooner.

  13. Cristin Cooper
    Cristin Cooper says:

    I eat oats most mornings but I'll have to try buckwheat just to try something new. I usually eat the same things most days. kind of like if it isn't broken, don't fix it but I would like to expand the types of food I eat. I'll definitely be trying the lentil mushroom pasta.

  14. Kristy Shupe
    Kristy Shupe says:

    No veg with your oats this morning? I am MAD for oats in the morning as well!! Mine was apple this morning too. Just like Goldilocks, we love our porridge!! I use groats in my soups and such for a little chew and to get my grains, never tried them for bfast!

  15. Kathy Woodward
    Kathy Woodward says:

    Thank you so much. I like the sound of all 3 of your recipes.
    I tried the buckwheat a few weeks ago and have to agree with you about preferring oats but worth a try and will finish the packet over the next few weeks. I know some people use buckwheat in place of rice.


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