Stan Efferding's Quick Breakfast for People On The Go! | Vertical Diet

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Stan Efferding shows how to make a quick breakfast when you’re in a limited on time in the morning! #stanefferding #breakfast …

44 replies
  1. @PepperDarlington
    @PepperDarlington says:

    Pre gym: Im the "up at 4am, gym by 4:45" dude. One Oikos Triple Zero Vanilla, half a double scoop of quality protein isolate (i make a double shake and drink half before, half after workout and i prefer Transparent Labs PB Vanilla) with two tablespoons of powdered cocoa. Shoot 6oz water loaded with Ghost Size Natty non-stim with a double shot of espresso added for a clean pre jolt. Once im at work, around 8am, 3.5oz scramble with spinach and onion, 2oz turkey or chicken sausage. That'll hold til lunch and wont give you that nasty ass rice bloat. Rice sucks pre workout and is way too heavy. Potatoes good. Whey good. Greek yogurt good.

  2. @ericcollins6231
    @ericcollins6231 says:

    I like the idea of having a quick breakfast, and getting something that can be easily digested before a workout.

    I am confused on his justification and then subsequent implementation, which undermines what he just said.

    He says it’s important because the body doesn’t have a way to store protein, and if the body needs amino acids and your fasted it’ll have to wait.

    But then prepares a meal that is almost pure sugar, and super high glycemic index. OJ and white rice?

  3. @TheTheratfarmer
    @TheTheratfarmer says:

    a quick breakfast before work. take a coffee mug, rinse it with water, one fresh egg into the microwave. 45 seconds or so, bamm. it is thick, take a nife and cut it in half horizotily and place on bread. no waiting in line for bojangles.

  4. @ohno837
    @ohno837 says:

    Despite being so simple…it is effective and the fact that Stan is recommending it says something…what matter is the fitness industry is if you trust the person saying it and they are not trying to sell you something

  5. @km-yx8vl
    @km-yx8vl says:

    Quick & easy…
    But I would recommend oatmeal before rice in the morning.
    You can make "overnight oats" by simply letting the oatmeal in a bowl with water in the refridge and than putting it in the microwave in the morning.
    With a little honey poured over it you have both complex and simple carbohydrates.
    Works well for me and give me good energy for my workout at 6.00am.

  6. @quasar7403
    @quasar7403 says:

    Don't know how he feels about this but the quickest breakfast I make is over night oats. Nice bowl of oatmeal no microwave just put it in the fridge overnight and it's soft in the morning and ready to eat.

  7. @vanguard4065
    @vanguard4065 says:

    ive woken up many times at 4am i just blend a serious mass shake and drink it. takes me less than 1 minute. i take my time in the gym and do 1 rep maxes for an hour. boom. big strong healthy and drug free.


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