SSL653 ~ the problem with my voice…

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36 replies
  1. D Wade
    D Wade says:

    Well Rick, I'm guessing a few beers,old age and talking to a camera for the past 10 years might have something to do with the voice change, so my prescription would be drink a few more beers let someone else do the talking and learn to take life easier 😉

  2. Guy Depoorter
    Guy Depoorter says:

    Rick, destress and give it some time, human body is a wonderfull instrument capable of a lot. No cold drinks for the moment, if its not gone over a few months, take advise. Fair Winds Skipper.

  3. Cesar Gonzalez
    Cesar Gonzalez says:

    By the way I got this in my reply supposedly from you Rick but I'm pretty sure it's a scam. "Congratulations 🎉 thanks for watching and commenting, you have been selected for our giveaway prize dm to claim prize immediately……………..👆👆"


    I urge you to take sometime to relax and get some stress relief. I know life happens but you do need to take of yourself and make that a priority bc the rest means nothing if your not able. Also plz see an otolaryngologist. I lost my vocal cord bc I did not pursue my health further. Which led to almost no voice and then I had to have a surgery which restored some voice back. There went my singing career…lol 😂 Fair winds my friend and keep on ⛵️♥️

  5. 1960jammy
    1960jammy says:

    Thanks captain for the video!
    Really felt for you guys😢🥰.
    When shit happens it happens, but hopefully the shit will move on to someone else.
    Thinking of you all 🥰🥰

  6.  Maverick Myrtle Beach
    Maverick Myrtle Beach says:

    When you withdraw from drugs your body does one thing but your mind controls the rest. When you rebound from stress its the same thing. If your not feeling normal at times,do something normal if your getting more than you can handle start writing down everything for a week. I don't mean your past just what your thinking at the time of writing. After that week allone read what you have. Our subconscious due to your inability to control and keeping everyone safe around you is not working, it maybe you forgot about your feelings,That's normal it takes time. You are a "fighter" by Tom MacDonald can be uplifting hearing from others that went through some shit. I've been there brother.

  7. Philliph Whirley
    Philliph Whirley says:

    Truthfully it was probably better that it happened on your bike. It probably would have been much worse had you been on your motorcycle. My wife and I felt like we were right there with you both when Ricci stoped breathing with tears in our eyes and our hearts saddened as parents of three we completely understand and as a Paramedic I felt even worse because there was nothing I could do to help. Absolutely thankful that everything worked out for the best. Been watching your videos for years now and appreciate the content you put out. From two of your supporters in Texas we hope you have fair seas and safe travels. 🇺🇸🇨🇦

  8. paul reynolds
    paul reynolds says:

    Thank goodness your guests onboard noticed the situation quickly and all did the right thing, plus you got your son to care so quick. Man that was life changing, not forgetting Madi of course. It has been 24hours since I watched your voice video, I cried, so didn't post right away. I wondered why but decided best not ask. We all, well mostly have tough times. My brother said once, Paul has been through so much yet he still has a smile on his face, I hope they remember me that way. Your boy is doing good, your ego is lost a bit, small price, for a better outcome. Bro…


    Capt. Rick, the issue with your baby not breahting happend to my dauhter and it was the throat that started to close up on her and we rushed her to the Hospital and she spent two days for a throat infeccion. Babies are really fragil. Glad to kow your son is well but its scary as hell.

  10. L P
    L P says:

    Capt Rick, heed the advice from Mr. Haedtler (20 year throat cancer survivor) and others.
    Travel to Panama City and get the best diagnosis you can, as soon as you can, do not try to self diagnose the problem, you’re a good sailor, not a doctor.

    Wishing you and your family clean bill of health and good luck .

  11. Curtis Hyde
    Curtis Hyde says:

    Captain Rick you keep doing what you're doing because the benefits that I have learned from some of the things that I have watched you do over the last couple of years or so I have been very beneficial to the restoration of Liberty freedom mutually beneficial yes sir thank you sir

  12. Christi P
    Christi P says:

    You’re right about weather predictions, added to the feeling that we can no longer trust our own Countries to make decisions in our best interests or to even make “rational” decisions that give some care & thought to keeping their own Citizens safe and the Government not actively putting them in danger of losing their lives and/or livelihood’s. I’m glad everyone is safe, all these things really set your priorities for you …..maybe you’ve stressed your vocal cords, but if it continues you should at least do a FaceTime kind of appointment with a specialist for another opinion.

  13. Open2OpenUT
    Open2OpenUT says:

    Rick, it could be you are going through a second puberty causing your voice to break 😂. Seriously though I would ask for a second opinion at this stage, it’s going on too long. It could be minor polyps or something more serious… don’t mess with time getting it looked at again. All the best to you, Maddie and little Richie. 👍👌. Following from ☘️☘️🇮🇪☘️☘️

  14. Brian Rousseau
    Brian Rousseau says:

    Thank you Rick for the greatest editing and wonderful videos, Been with you from your start and havent stopped watching . Your family and friends are the greatest,,We all love you and will always be here for you,,,if ever in oregon look us up. Sail on friends

  15. Vita Maria DeBellis
    Vita Maria DeBellis says:

    Rick, thanks for letting us know. We do appreciate you addressing it because we also pose the question to you. We could hear it when you were doing your videos. Yes stress takes a toll on you but stay on top of it if it doesn’t seem to improve. We want the best for you Papa Rick

  16. Doug Anderson
    Doug Anderson says:

    Thanks for the update on the voice issue. Sounds to me like mid life crisis hit you left, right and center all at the same time. Stress does strange things to us, so I hope you can chill out for a bit.
    You had me worried when you had the motorcycle incident. I'm an old life long rider and have tasted asphalt in the past ( I don't think they have improved the flavor) I can highly recommend a full face type helmet and don't scrimp on the price, buy a good name brand . You won't regret it.
    Give that lovely bride a hug for me , and maybe tickle little Ricardo's feet. I do lke to see his smile and his laughter.

  17. Clint Hanagriff
    Clint Hanagriff says:

    you might wanna get a chest xray to see if you have a hairline fracture of a rib . this might be slightly be pushing on one of your lungs that would cause this to affect your speech and voice .you might not feel pain or discommfort at all if it is so small of a problem .hope you get better stay safe .

  18. Daniel Balderas
    Daniel Balderas says:

    Hey Captain Rick,
    I agree with the previous comment message.
    You got the same engine that the good,bad,and the ugly got in there S.v.gbu channel. And they are in Puerto Rico island.
    I was praying for y'all during that hurricane coming towards y'all.
    God bless you and your family.

  19. Docasch
    Docasch says:

    Rick, just looking out for my favorite captain. You take us along for your adventures, so we are just showing concern for you. If you were stateside, we would send you to an ENT for nasopharnygoscopy and imaging of your head and neck. Stress and viral illness can cause vocal cord dysfunction or paralysis, but so can a tumor in your neck or throat or a stroke. Early identification can prevent progression.
    Be well.


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