Spring Cleaning When You're Sick, Depressed, or Overwhelmed | What's Cooking In My Homestead Kitchen

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I’m answering subscriber questions on overcoming overwhelm + anxiety as homemakers and work at home mom’s. I’m sharing …

33 replies
  1. @jessa4799
    @jessa4799 says:

    I appreciate you sharing both the beauty of the farm and the realities of the hard work and hours needed – I think one of the things that draws people to your channel is your honesty and transparency about real life situations we are all in in different ways.

  2. @melaniemurphy2429
    @melaniemurphy2429 says:

    I’m just subscribed to your channel.. I was sent over by Tabitha! I too had Hashimoto disease. I ended up having my thyroid removed. It’s not an ideal situation because it’s harder to control without the thyroid. So far I’ve really really enjoyed your videos. I hope you have a blessed week! 😊

  3. @thisisamandagoins
    @thisisamandagoins says:

    This is the video I needed. 5 months postpartum and exclusively breastfeeding with my 4th at 44. Husband travels often for work, and we have a small farmstead I manage plus the home, and our kids are all 10 and under. I am so hard on myself and you said what I needed.

  4. @JamieClements1982
    @JamieClements1982 says:

    Oh girl… I have hashimotos and it kicks my tail at times. The weight gain has been ridiculous. Nothing seems to help to lose it. The brain fog and there are days my legs feel so weak and achy. It’s so odd. Before I was diagnosed I had a summer that I couldn’t stand by 1:00 pm. It was so scary. If I did it felt like my legs would collapse under me. Rest is crucial. It’s hard to get that at times.

  5. @ashleymoffat8603
    @ashleymoffat8603 says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your real life struggles, it so encourages me that I’m not alone, and you get it! Especially with being diagnosed with a disease, as I have Epilepsy and so many don’t get the struggle in the ups and downs. Which is understandable, but it is nice to know there are others out there who do get it!

  6. @TheMennomilist
    @TheMennomilist says:

    Great gourmet plate that your daughter set up. Haha. Your food looks delicious though anyway.
    I am glad you show the "win some lose some" recipes.
    I definitely see that homeschooling gets easier past about 3rd-5th grades, in my opinion. I wish I didn't stop with my older two.
    It seems so fun to have a homestead, even though it has so much work involved. I would love to do that. I am glad that you are doing the best you can and leaning on God to get you through every season.
    Goats are so cute and funny. I would love to have them one day maybe, but I would like to have my own house in general haha.
    Love your plants as always.

  7. @kbkb3358
    @kbkb3358 says:

    This is absolutely true! I wish i could send it to every woman. you are spot on! This is excellent!!
    With every point that you made i felt like cheering – Amen sister!!

  8. @DustAndGrace
    @DustAndGrace says:

    I'm so excited to hear your answers here! I end up incapacitated by exhaustion or migraines on a frequent enough basis that just having those one or two days taken away seems to derail my entire homemaking process! It leaves the house entirely in an uproar and seems to take me two weeks or more to get back on top of things 😅

  9. @abbieniehausen4421
    @abbieniehausen4421 says:

    I just love your videos so much! It is such a comfort to hear your heartfelt advice. As a mom of 3 kids under 7-I have a hard time feeling like the work is ever done. It’s taken quite awhile for the Lord to show me how to create boundaries around my time and how to really rest. I love what you shared about sabbath. I have found a lot of peace from starting to follow it as well.
    Keep up the good work! Your videos are so relaxing to watch and I love learning from you ❤

  10. @bonniet6275
    @bonniet6275 says:

    Just a friendly community reminder and in case you didn't know- let the ads play for at least 30 seconds(for the long ads) or all the way to the end of the ad, whichever comes first, so that she can earn what is more than due to her for all this hard work. ❤️ This is how youtbers get paid for views (and it's not very much) Also, just clicking through to ads helps too.
    If you subscribe to a channel and appreciate their content, let those ads roll as often as you can! 💕

  11. @jessiebaillargeon4191
    @jessiebaillargeon4191 says:

    I laughed when you went on about you pick Hardy plants that don't require a lot of maintenance. I had to laugh my butt off. That was cute but friends are not easy to keep at least here in the out around. X we don't even see him in the woods anymore which is really sad

  12. @bonniet6275
    @bonniet6275 says:

    Liking before I even listen because I already know how helpful, insightful and encouraging this is going to be. And my weary heart needs it. 🥹 So very tired and sad. All the things. The Lord knows. I know I'm not the only one. Although sometimes we can feel so alone.
    Thank you for continuing in putting these works of art together for all of us!🤍

  13. @jessiebaillargeon4191
    @jessiebaillargeon4191 says:

    So I just wanted to comment and tell you and I know you already know this, but we as your fans and customers are more than happy to wait while you serve your higher power and your family just had to say that to throw you some support. Hang in there!

  14. @tracinygren2523
    @tracinygren2523 says:

    Thank you for saying this! It’s so true you can’t do it all well. You’re about the same age as me & I have always homeschooled my 4 kids too. My husband career involves quite a bit of traveling. I use to think I had to do it all. I wish someone had told me this when I was young. I had major burn out! Now I’m that older homeschool mom trying to share with my younger mom friends.
    Love your content. I will share your channel with others.

  15. @hannadeuel3583
    @hannadeuel3583 says:

    I love your videos and hate to see you struggling in this season right now. I’m from the PNW as well so your videos have always been close to my heart I look forward to them so much. Hearing you have ADHD plus Hashimotos was such a shocker! I do as well and I haven’t been about to figure out how to help my body natural. Do you have any suggestions? I’ve tried many pills from my doctor but nothing seems to help/ makes other things worse. I’m on constant burnout/overstimulated lately between the weight gain this spring, gardening, homeschooling preschoolers, leaning more into faith ect. I would love to know how you help your body when these flare ups occur. 💜

  16. @carolwhisenhunt7504
    @carolwhisenhunt7504 says:

    Ty for this video. It's so great to see Godly wise mommas around.
    So many young moms need to watch this. I'm gonna share it around as God puts on my heart. This was great! So glad you're feeling better.

  17. @aleshalipsky1684
    @aleshalipsky1684 says:

    So nice to see you again. Love the green dress, it looks so nice on you. We all go through seasons of overwhelm. And its hard to see it come around again, I am sorry that you are in that season! Just finishing up a break from school, I needed to just stop completely… homeschooling high school is no joke. We will resume again next week and I feel better having a three week break where I didn't do a think for school. The kids have really enjoyed it too. Have the same health issues and I just don't know when things might need to shift. I am so thankful for your honesty and encouragement. Always love seeing the farm and all that you are inspired by.

  18. @pattyhansen7563
    @pattyhansen7563 says:

    Definitely YES to the overwhelm right now!!!! Chicks, piglets, pail feeding a motherless calf a mile away, incubator, culling old roosters/layers, disking & garden prep, and now….the spring 'company'/visiting season has commenced. My house is like a Tractor Supply, complete with in & out customers. LOL. I realized today that I hadn't taken a deep breath for like 15 minutes – for real. Or used the bathroom for hours. So my daughter & I took a 'break' went banking, riding around in her little car & went thrift shopping for a few minutes to relax. Our weather stinks & its making it hard to get stuff done. S0 it is huge bursts of activity as soon as the sun makes an entrance.  I am cringing…. just WAITING for my back to go out, happens every May/June & I can never figure out what does it, because it seems weather related, or how to prevent it. this past year I have dedicated about a 1/2 hour walk in the woods with our dog & I have noticed how much healthier I have been!!!! The ONLY spring cleaning is sorting out the barn area for chick brooding & organizing the empty jars in the cellar to get ready for canning season. I do NOT worry about spring cleaning. Women used to have daughters that were 'around' until marriage to help, or had things like a 'mother's helper'. My grandmother had one, due to chronic illness & a disabled child. It would be a young lady that maybe needed a better home situation or needed to come live in town (down from the 'hills') in order to attend school. I have teen daughters that need to work pt jobs & not available or on a dependable schedule & there certainly are no 'mother's helpers' around anymore. So why worry about spring cleaning?

    *speaking for myself*….I think the 'reason' people (subscribers) like live footage is because it makes them feel like they are RIGHT there with you (you're cool to be there with!!!). Like they are over to someone's house, just hangin' out. The background noise & all of that is what gives the feeling of reality/real time. I find that I end up gravitating/slowly drifting away from channels that start out so simple & like y'all are friends chilling at home, but all of a sudden change to like a tv show, or too 'branded' or something. I am having trouble articulating it. & no, I'm not saying I'll necessarily "drift" on this channel. I can think of a couple of specific homesteading channels that I LOVED their early videos, but am not interested at all in the new stuff because they have actually gone to the 'trouble' to make like a stage/set design thing & it is more about branding than about just setting up a camera & taking you along on their journey. It goes from feeling very authentic, to fake. Finding that balance is hard I think. When I go to someone's house to learn something or visit, I don't expect their kids to get lost & everything to run smoothly – that is just not real life. I think your videos are great!!! You always have wise things to say & cool projects going on. Your home life reminds me very much of my own. It is somewhere I just want to hang…..

  19. @hbox2728
    @hbox2728 says:

    Hi! Fellow friend in the PNW! I need to hear this so badly today! We are homeschooling our 3 kiddos and trying for baby #4 while I am also working on a business with my husband. We've been stuck in one place for longer than we thought we would and I am just aching that I cannot give my kiddos our dream life yet! This gives me so much hope that we still have time to reach those dreams even if it is not TODAY. Also laughing a little at your take on plants (SAME) – and at you dusting off pollen. It has been coating every surface this year where we live! Thank you for sharing!

  20. @cherylcranford8908
    @cherylcranford8908 says:

    Thanks for saying this, we are not designed to do it all because we are human not a machine. We all need the to reflect, family, friendships, food, and rest. It even says on the 7th day He rested while he brought forth the worlds. Looking forward to your next video

  21. @JessicaGarcia-hu9uu
    @JessicaGarcia-hu9uu says:

    I appreciate you and the content you put out sooo much! I am a momma to four and things are getting easier for me, but I well remember the days of having four kids under age 6. And now I have a community of dear younger mommas I’m pouring into. Your wisdom is being passed along, to the glory of God! I fully amend your sabbath rest. We actually started obeying the command to sabbath rest several years ago and it has made such a difference for many reasons! May the Lord continue to bless the work of your hands!


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