Split Pea Soup with Ham made in my Instant Pot

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It’s probably a sacrilege, but I used some of my serrano ham as an ingredient in this soup. The result was a delicious soup with a pleasant ham flavor.

11 replies
  1. ShesInLosAngeles
    ShesInLosAngeles says:

    Pea soup was one of the first things I made in my Instant Pot 3 years ago and I've been hooked since. We like a soupier, chunkier consistency, so I add 8 cups of chicken broth. So satisfying! 👍

  2. Mulligan Farms
    Mulligan Farms says:

    Sounds absolutely divine; I never feel regular ham adds enough flavor.
    If you need to get rid of any excess Serrano…. you have my address :^)
    In other news, which I was reminded of as you put the dishes in the sink, got the most amazing countertop dishwasher from Amazon for $250. Has been a real lifesaver.

  3. Richard
    Richard says:

    "I got 11-1/2 lbs of ham in the freezer." LOL That soup looks so comforting. I like Split Pea soup with just a dab of either Mexican crema or sour cream. The ham probably brought a nice bit of salt to the soup. I wonder if you could've done it all in the Vitamix if you wanted a full puree? Thanks Dennis!

  4. Michael Gutman
    Michael Gutman says:

    It's a balmy 41° in NJ. Good idea putting your ham in your soup. You might as well use it when you can. Looks great. It looks like time to invest in an Instant Pot. They're becoming very popular.

  5. Madame M
    Madame M says:

    Not a sacrilege at all! As the saying goes "waste not want not". Why not use what you already have on hand?  Which reminds me I have a nice ham bone in my freezer so I think I will make a big batch of split pea soup!  Thanks Dennis.


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