Spicy Sweet Potatoes with Garlic Aioli | HEALTHY Spanish Tapas Recipe

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EPISODE 887 – How to Make Spanish Sweet Potato Patatas Bravas | Patatas Bravas de Boniato Recipe FULL RECIPE HERE: …

36 replies
  1. DownButNotOutYet
    DownButNotOutYet says:

    Good morning, a excellent to present another vegetable. It looks so good and tasty, I am sure the smoky sauce adds a delicious flavour plus the flavoured mayonnaise dipping sauce. Thee is no better way to enjoy a healthy root vegetable. Thank you so much for sharing and showing. Kind regards.

  2. 1929modelagirl
    1929modelagirl says:

    I have yet to watch you prepare a dish that I didn't think I would enjoy!
    You make dishes so accessible and therefore more likely to try.
    And you take such pride in Spain and the foods & flavors!
    Thank you and stay well 😊

  3. Bobby B
    Bobby B says:

    Looks absolutely delicious! I will try this one. This is one of the best healthy dishes you've created. Keep up the good work and Thank you,

  4. Monica Garcia
    Monica Garcia says:

    My, oh, my! This is just what I need because I have a lot of sweet potatoes at home right now. Muchas gracias por la receta, se ven súper deliciosas. 🍠🌶️😋

  5. Alan Mac
    Alan Mac says:

    Sweet potatoes need not be healthier than their 'normal' counterpart. Depends on the variety and cooking method. What's certainly true is that any edge the sweet version may have is negated by the sauces and accompaniments you suggested.

  6. SouLoveReal _
    SouLoveReal _ says:

    Albert: Delicious. I really like sweet potatoes, I've just never cooked this way with them. Looking
    forward to TRYING this one (looks easy, too). Thanks again. (Fan from San Francisco, California.) *!!~

  7. Ann Moore
    Ann Moore says:

    😮 ❤ – now I know what I'm going to do with the two sweet potatoes languishing in my veg cupboard ! Thanks once again – your vedios never disappoint 😊


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