Spicy stew chicken how to use diced chicken make stew chicken recipe by chef ricardo cooking

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SPICY #STEW #CHICKEN Spicy stew chicken how to use diced chicken make stew chicken recipe by chef ricardo cooking @caribbeanfusionsaucesandspices …

32 replies
  1. Kashanda Wilson
    Kashanda Wilson says:

    Thanks for reminding me.. I have to buy wooden spoons. I never used to enjoy cooking. But it’s became one of my passion. I really enjoy cooking and trying new recipes. It’s cool to have fun while your cooking.

  2. Jean Silvera
    Jean Silvera says:

    Hey Chef….Stew looking relish. I don't use brown sugar either, nor do I use browning. You have been going on and on about cooking with sugar but do you know what browning is made of? Check it out!

  3. AN Carson
    AN Carson says:

    This is so so cool. I've been trying to research for YouTube vid that really explains the ideas in this vid! πŸ‘ πŸ§‘πŸ»β€βš•οΈYour vid for sure is similar to the channel of Dr Ethan! Dr's explanations are educational and I really learned a lot for my exams.

    I recommend you see his YT out and give Doctor Ethan a like! πŸ‘‰ #DrEthanHealth

  4. Dk74
    Dk74 says:

    Hi chef….looks very delicious share out a plate bredda πŸ˜‚ mi dead fi hunger right now dis coffee I'm drinking is not hittin the spot…thanks for sharing


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