Spicy meatball and salami flatbread with huge crispy chicken tenders #flatbread #pizza #mukbang

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27 replies
  1. kevin simpson
    kevin simpson says:

    The battered fish strips are nice from iceland, 2 bags for £5 think you get about 12 bits in each. The batter is so nice and fluffy and the fish is white, they do pakora, hot and spicy, salt and pepper, breaded, southern fried etc.

    EVERYONE makes fancy meals and they get repetitive and boring, the frozen stuff is very rarely done and if it is, they and their house look scruffy. That’s why i watch yours, it’s frozen and you look clean ha ha

  2. Kerry Hayes
    Kerry Hayes says:

    My daughter will start high school next year, 9th grade. Over here in the States, its different everywhere, some highschools include year 7&8 (Middle School) most start with year 9. My kids attend public school, no uniforms. My husband and I attended Catholic school with specific uniforms that had to be ordered, which I hated at the time but would love now lol. No new wardrobe needed each school year😆.
    I have an idea for a video, its a local specialty here in Rochester NY. Its heavy and would be ideal as a one meal of the day or after a few drinks😉😆. Its called a Garbage Plate, it includes macaroni salad, chips or home fries, either or burger patties/ hotdogs/chicken tenders, and meat hot sauce all piled on a plate. Hoodie House made a video a couple weeks ago of the same thing. Its an experience lol.

  3. Stacey The Horror
    Stacey The Horror says:

    I can’t believe you’ve just says that! I’ve just literally says to my partner my son is not having his phone of a morning until he is absolutely ready, clothes, teeth done, bags at the door and everything because he just walks about like a zombie not taking anything in and is so absent minded because he has his bloody phone stuck in his hand 😅 also every time you have pizza and Aldi’s garlic dip I must go out and get it 😍 hope yous are all well

  4. Rose
    Rose says:

    What about pork belly with noodles or lettuce wraps, have you tried Vietnamese summer rolls, they are amazing, I buy the sheets from Amazon xxx you should try

  5. Matt
    Matt says:

    What about a meat feast? Not the pizza lol I mean like bbq ribs, chicken wings, flavoured chicken with corn on the cob, mac n cheese and coleslaw type of dindins 😋 or maybe something random like a sweet food- waffles or cakes anything like that 😍 was trying to think of something u haven't done and there isn't alot 😄 but all ur videos are awesome even if its the same food! Always watch all ur videos just don't always comment 💙💜


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