Spend Love Day with Us | Cook Dinner with Me | Daily Vlog

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16 replies
  1. Shannon McMullen
    Shannon McMullen says:

    Those gift baskets look so great and so personal for each child!!! Made with love!!! <3 Spring is on the way!!! I hope!!! Isn't it funny how different all of their reactions are…lol!!!! Yay that you were able to get Melatonin for Nate!! Enjoy your outing on your own!!!! Good for you for going to the gym, even when you dont feel like it!!!! You are amazing!!!!! Future Jess will thank you….hahahaha!!!!! <3 <3 I clean houses for my job and yes it is a work out!!! And a work out that I get paid for….lol!!! Win Win!!!! 🙂 There are pros to being able to do virtual things for sure!!! I guess you guys would see such a difference in your hydro bills from where you used to live!! Cant go wrong with baked pasta!!! I love the decor that you have on your shelves!!!! Your office is cute and private!! Such a great idea to cook your pasta meal in your Instapot!!! Easy and fast!!! Check you out makin up your own recipe!!! Chef Jess!!!! 🙂 Mmmmmm!!!!! Your dinner looks delicious!! Beautiful hair!!! You are so lovely!!! Im glad you enjoyed your night with your family!!! <3 <3 I got pizza and a red velvet cake and shared it with my mom for Valentine's Day!

  2. Christine Sturgill
    Christine Sturgill says:

    Are you able to get on a budget for your utilities? I've been on a budget for over 30 years. Same amount every month. I do it for gas and electric. It's awesome.
    It's good to spend time together. My husband works 6 days a week most weeks so we treasure all the time we actually get to spend together even if it is just relaxing and watching TV or a movie.

  3. Pam Catanzarito
    Pam Catanzarito says:

    We had pasta and meatballs also (boyfriend made) and I made a chocolate heart shaped cake with chocolate icing. We watched Date Night. We made each other cards. And got each other a small package of chocolate we both love.

  4. Sandra
    Sandra says:

    We don't do a big to do for ❤ Valentine's Day either we have a nice dinner at home together and give each other a small gift.💝
    Love that instant pot recipe also so quick and easy! 😉

  5. Kaitlyn592
    Kaitlyn592 says:

    Does the pasta have a starchy texture when cooked in the instant pot? I noticed when I cooked pasta in the crockpot that it would get a weird starchy texture/flavor, I'm guessing because the starch doesn't escape like it does when boiled.

  6. Sarah P
    Sarah P says:

    I don’t like crowds to much so we went out to eat at Chili’s on Saturday afternoon to celebrate Valentine’s Day 🙂. Worked perfectly for me. I love their chips and salsa and it was lunch/dinner so didn’t cook a thing. Oh and we laid mulch in our flowerbeds that day. Haha. We really went big huh lol. With kids all married and gone, it was just something we needed to do and we have fun gardening. So perfect for us…

  7. Barb B
    Barb B says:

    I watched "Marry Me" – honestly, it was OK. Liked the music.
    Love your videos. I don't have a "Valentine" in my life so Valentines day for me was just like any other day.
    That Shell dish looked delicious. I will definitely be making that.

  8. Julianna Rose
    Julianna Rose says:

    I look forward to your videos every week! I am single, no kids—But I just relate to you on so many levels and you feel like one of my virtual besties 🥰 I hope you and your family have an amazing weekend!

  9. Lucinda J. Tackett
    Lucinda J. Tackett says:

    That pasta looks so good and I still haven’t got to make it yet. My husband and I didn’t do anything special for Valentines Day, I cooked at the house and then we watched tv. And I make sure to send messages to my husband through the day because I’m so thankful that God gave me such a wonderful husband.


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