Spanish-Style Hot Chocolate – Food Wishes

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If you’ve never had real, actual hot chocolate, which is not the same as hot cocoa, then you are in for special treat. Cold, rainy …

21 replies
  1. OceanG
    OceanG says:

    I’m very sorry to report, but at 1 minute 19 seconds there is a minuscule blob of milk that escapes the pan the 11 o’clock position. Watch Gronow 1:16. We haven’t yet witnessed history.

  2. Guillermina Stover
    Guillermina Stover says:

    I lived in Spain and I loved their chocolate. Two things I have to mention: #1) their cups of hot chocolate were VERY, VERY thick, so I am sure they used more cornstarch. #2) The churros in Spain (where they originated!!) are NOT dusted with sugar. So when you dunk them in the chocolate, the ONLY sweetness is from the chocolate.

  3. Lynxit
    Lynxit says:

    Hot chocolate with loaf of bread, cheese, butter and swedish "svennes" kaviar on is just amazing too dip and eat while having hot chocolate combine

  4. rdtone99
    rdtone99 says:

    Love the videos. Keep up the good work. As someone recently retire from the television industry I know how difficult it is to be a one-man show and do it all. You do it well. Kudos!

    MALCNSUE A says:

    Thanks Chef for delivering yet another winner! I made this for breakfast today with buttered toast and it is truly the breakfast of champions!! I can see what you mean about the cornstarch. It’s like drinking chocolate silk. I didn’t think I’d like the cayenne but just a wee bit adds a slightly different kind warmth that takes it up another level. The bonus was that it’s super easy to make!!

  6. Jennifer Miya
    Jennifer Miya says:

    This looks great and EASY!! I had Mexican hot chocolate at a restaurant here in the Cleveland, Ohio area that was life changing and it had a hint of cinnamon too. I’ll try it your way boss! 🍫☕️

  7. Bill Bull
    Bill Bull says:

    The aroma of Spanish hot chocolate reminds me of my grandmas kitchen , I remember sometimes helping her make hot chocolate, I remember opening the kitchen drawer where she would store the hard as rock chocolate (abuelita brand) can't recall exactly how she would break the round- 1inch thick bar whenever she would make a small batch.


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