Southern Fried Smothered Chicken with Mushroom and Onion Gravy. Classic Comfort Food Goodness!

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This Dish combines Southern Fried Chicken smothered with a mouthwatering Mushroom and Onion gravy. It fills you up and makes you warm all inside just like …

40 replies
  1. Jean
    Jean says:

    "Surprise!!!" Ha ha ha . . . good Mr. Tom left the front door open — again. Thanks for allowing us to stay and "supervise" the process while Gracie took a meal break. 😊 You be making one of our favorite suppers. Take good care.

  2. MQ
    MQ says:

    I must disagree–that was not a flour disaster. It was just a flour mishap…just sayin'. That looked so good when it was done. We never had leftover hotdog buns…no hot dog buns, just bread. So our garlic bread was slices of bread, buttered and garlicy, and shingled on a cookie sheet. Every slice had a crispy top half and a toasted bottom half on the other end. Nummy. So simple, but it sure fancied up a meal. My kids loved it just as much as my siblings and I.

  3. Rebecca Crouch
    Rebecca Crouch says:

    Hello Mr Tom this looks wonderful but this does not help some weight that needs to be gone don't have a dutch oven kettle just 2 cast iron skillets well I learned why my gravy looks like glue to much flour u fixed my cornbread magic meatloaf is my favorite omg looks so good I have to try this🤠

  4. MacKenzie Drake
    MacKenzie Drake says:

    Now I'm hungry. 🙂 I appreciate your demonstrating how to make the gravy for this. I've tried to make smothered chicken myself, but there was never enough gravy, and if there is one thing I love, it's a good Southern-style gravy on rice, biscuits or whatever. It's getting to be gravy season here, too. The mornings are getting a mite chill, and we had our first Fall day in the 70s this week. Be well, Friend.

  5. Heidi Misfeldt
    Heidi Misfeldt says:

    🌻😎❤ I am cooking chicken with garden vegetables for dinner myself today.on low right now. When it is half done, I will add canned tomatos, some water, and then when it comes to a boil, I will add a bag of noodles. Yummy. Just one pot, and some left for tomorrow hopefully.

  6. Judy Halter
    Judy Halter says:

    Hi there Mr Tom! What a yummy meal you cooked up for supper. My Mom and grandma never cooked this recipe but I wish they had. Thanks for sharing this meal so now I can enjoy this great meal. You and the kitties take care.

  7. Chris hamill
    Chris hamill says:

    Great meal! Nothing like mashed potatoes with home-made gravy. Chicken thighs are the most flavorful part of the chicken( well, maybe the feet which sounds gross…not to me though). With the peas…perfect taste combo for the palate. You made enough for a couple of meals and some chicken left over to freeze with the remaining gravy for another meal! Just yumminess! I am always surprised in how well you create scrumptious meals! We need fat in our diet and were sold a false bill of goods to limit them in our diets…instead replacing with margarine, low-fat this and that. Good job! Gracie having a low meow…what shocked me recently was a rag doll cat weighing 18 pounds who had almost an imperceptible meow…I was expecting a growl. 😹

  8. Imogene Mckee
    Imogene Mckee says:

    Mr.tom you've just. Cooked up one of my favorite. Meals, I know you will really enjoy this ,you COOK THE southern MEALS MY favorite ones, ,its rainy back up here in north AL again but was beginning to need it to settle DOWN SOME of the pollen,and MAYBE HELP my greens come on up that. My grand son planted for me ,have a good day god bless you and the kitties and take care,,

  9. Sandra Yarnell
    Sandra Yarnell says:

    Hi Mr Tom. It is great to see another cooking video from you. Thank you for sharing your family recipe. I love those instant potatoes. I didnt know that about onion powder. 1 tsp=1 onion I have never tried that Cajun seasoning. I think my fiance would like your recipe. I am going to try your family recipe. We all need extra comfort food right now. I just love your cooking videos! That is a great tip about freezing the seasoned flour. I will do it! Thank u. God Bless!

  10. jan Penland
    jan Penland says:

    Thanks Mr. Tom. That looked so good! I'll be making something very similar for Sunday Dinner. I wish I had dark meat but my hubby wants white meat so white meat it is. It still tastes good no matter which meat is used. Much Love

  11. Dustin Roberts
    Dustin Roberts says:

    Dang Mr. Tom that looks great. You need to talk Alaska Prepper into coming down south to get a good meal. Lol. I’m I East Tennessee and we are fighting the friendly flys up here to. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to more cooking vids.


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