Soup in Less than 10 minutes ~ Cooking with Freeze Dried Food ~ Thrive Life

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Soup in Less than 10 minutes ~ Cooking with Freeze Dried Food ~ Thrive Life #Soup #FreezeDried #ThriveLife Shopping through our Amazon link, helps me be …

20 replies
  1. Cathy Ann
    Cathy Ann says:

    I like making MREs out of the freeze dried foods. Being on a restricted diet, I can't have already made meals. I've made up MREs and oatmeal with dehydrated fruit in it MREs and taken them with me on vacation before. I have a hot logic that kinda slow cooks the food I bring. Then I know I can eat some safe foods if I can't find a restaurant to go to where I can eat.

  2. elizabeth cope
    elizabeth cope says:

    How much did this freeze dried soup run? Just curious. I have a few containers of freeze dried, but I have more cans of foods, jars I canned, & lots of dehydrated vacuum sealed items. God bless.

  3. TheRickie41
    TheRickie41 says:

    I'd love to have such stuff at hand for my prepper pantry here in France, but, alas, we don't have these and they are extremely difficult to come by and sooo expensive; have to do with dehydrated, frozen or canned ingredients…thank you for the nice recipe! PS. X flare and CME coming in from our star, first test for earth's weakening magnetic field. I'll get a car load of water today, got low, and water is crucial, in any grid down situation. Hopefully, this will not perturb the grid; it still might shake internet. Stay safe!!

  4. Ms. Hotdog Legs
    Ms. Hotdog Legs says:

    When I make soup with the powdered bullion, I first flash fry the powder in oil for maybe 5 seconds until the powder becomes sticky–like a fond on the bottom of the pan. It adds such a rich flavor.

  5. Susan S
    Susan S says:

    This was a great, fun video! I’m still at that stage where my ThriveLife foods are too precious to open any of them, so I have to live vicariously through your channel! As I build up our collection I’ll be more willing to crack open a few cans, I’m sure. Best of luck to your parents in their new home adventure!


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