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00:00 – Intro 02:50 – Leftover Food Challenge 06:54 – Thoughts on Cooking With Leftovers 09:45 – Couscous Base 13:32 – Ideas …

34 replies
  1. Tony
    Tony says:

    One way to use up yogurt is smoothies.
    Or make a batch of tzatziki. Smear tzatziki some on pita or other flatbread or dip vegetables. Or, mix with honey and cinnamon for a dip for apple slices.

  2. Tony
    Tony says:

    I never put my hand in the cheese. You're introducing bacteria. I always shake out of the container or use a clean spoon. I had to throw away cheese that molded because someone used their hand.

  3. Tony
    Tony says:

    For Melissa…
    If the yogurt (or sour cream, etc) is going bad before you can finish it, it probably bacteria. I always use a sterilized spoon in yogurt and sour cream. I boil water in the microwave and put a spoon in it before I start cooking or a few minutes before I'm going to use a lot of different products. The introduction of bacteria or other foreign things can cause your yogurt to mold in days.

    My yogurt or sour cream will last a month by using this method.

  4. Pocket Jen
    Pocket Jen says:

    I’ve made some delicious stocks from leftover party veggie trays. and we just made a great soup using some frozen leftover juices I saved from sumac roasted chicken I made months ago. I also save scraps in a soup bag in my freezer for future stocks.

  5. Hamm
    Hamm says:

    Just another comment to praise this long form content. Keep it up!

    While I can’t make it to the live stream, I love putting this on in the background while I cook

  6. JT
    JT says:

    I missed the live cast so I couldn’t ask. I’m having trouble with cooking easy meals for 2 people with different diet – Mediterranean plant-based with little meat and a person who wants meat with every meal. I’m plant-based mainly due to past health issues and he’s getting older. Any ideas of pleasing both?

  7. David Dean
    David Dean says:

    Your videos are wonderful. Learned a lot from you over the years. I call dishes that I make out of leftover raw ingredients "Loquehay" meals. The reason why is years ago I was sharing a group kitchen in a hostel while traveling and I asked: What is this meal? And the man responded: " Lo Que Hay" or in Spanish – "whatever there is".

  8. Lisa T
    Lisa T says:

    My first fermented thing was then pickles . But I am gluten intolerant. No wheat or Barley. I also make vanilla. Again my Nana taught me. Vanilla was precious. My sister laughed until she realized how much real Madagascar vanilla costs. I gift it first.

  9. Lisa T
    Lisa T says:

    My grandmother taught me. I was the lucky granddaughter, I was the only one she taught. She was born in 1895. She grew up using a wood burning stove and could tell the temperature by putting her hand in the oven! I later learned how she did that when I was sailing. We sailed up the California coast with a repaired motor. We were sailing north against the current with no wind. Overnight. I learned to but my hand on the propeller shaft and start counting the second to tell if was getting too hot. Oh! That is how my Nana could tell how hot her wood stove was! She baked wedding cakes. The top tier was always a fruit cake because the newlyweds cut into the top tier a year later.

  10. Lisa T
    Lisa T says:

    First, I follow your program! I am a home cook; NOT a chef! I have learned to keep on hand pantry items. Some folks refer pantry items to shelf items. If you have a boxed silken tofu in you cupboard/pantry you can blend it and substitute it for cream dishes. Not a whipped cream. But a Beef Stroganoff? You cannot tell it isn’t cream. If you want to use leftover steak but have no cream…. I now always have silken tofu in my pantry.

  11. US to Panama
    US to Panama says:

    Gobble WAY better than hellofresh! I'm not a meal order type cook but tried them during a time a was dealing with health issues. To me hellofresh was just them giving you the ingredients in individual servings then you cook like normal. As someone who cooks daily not really helpful. Gobble actually made the sauces and had homemade pasta etc. It was great when I didnt have the energy to cook HF did nothing for me other than shop. Definitely try Gobble if you're trying to get something other than just small portions of mayo and single chicken beast!!

  12. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Caution: chickens are like lays potato chips, you can't have just one and they are a gateway animal. Lol I started with 4 chick's. A couple of years later I had 2 dozen plus a couple of Guineas & 4 turkeys.

  13. Sally Alter
    Sally Alter says:

    Enjoying your channel! This is how I cook all the time. I just use whatever is in the pantry and fridge. Never recipes. It is more creative that way. One thing I do like to do is boil up some pasta and rice and freeze it in bags to use whenever. I always have it on hand that way.

  14. DeftAtheist
    DeftAtheist says:

    I like the idea of dispelling what is "necessary" for a dish. A recipe is how ONE or a few people wrote it down. Some recipes require a mixer, or whipped lard, or kefir lime leaves. Want to make a "curry"? Curry is literally defined as a sauce-based dish with veggies and/or meat with spices (of which any will do), usually served over rice. There is no "traditional curry" recipe. Everyone makes their own version. Which is why making a dish a few times, then changing the garlic, clove, spices, whatever you want to suit your own tastes, makes it a traditional dish FOR YOU. Screw recipes. Figure out a few ways to thicken a liquid, add some tomato paste or freshly chopped and ground/blended veggies, add the spices and heat you like, and it's traditional. No recipe should be considered the only way to cook.

  15. The Aud-venture Series
    The Aud-venture Series says:

    This is the only content/channel out there that I can truly watch consistently, have an attention span to go all the way through, and excited to learn more from. It's just exactly what I need. Love it! Big thanks to your team!


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