Snowmageddon in Texas │Week 106 Keto Transformation

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28 replies
  1. T K
    T K says:

    Sadly I've been shovelling snow since I was a kid living in the great white north. Just a tip to make it easier if it ever snows there again.. snow isn't dirt. Most of us here push it rather than picking it up and lifting it to another location (like the pile you made). The cold, combined with the weight of snow is hard on your heart. But its also not easy without a proper snow shovel. We have giant bucket type shovels here to push the snow across our driveway or sidewalk rather than carry. And of course we are often saved by the awesome neighbour with the snow blower!!
    Anyway… hope you get to wait another 30+ years before you have to shovel your driveway again! 🙂

  2. Charlene Turgeon
    Charlene Turgeon says:

    Jess, I'm glad you didn't lose power. I feel like it would be a good idea to maybe spend a little on warm clothes and tuck them away for next winter. This weird weather is going to continue. I'm sure blow in insulation companies will be heading south! You do burn calories shoveling snow consistently! We up in NH were watching your snow because it was coming north – it hit you harder than us.

  3. Simply Michelle
    Simply Michelle says:

    East TX here! Hit pretty hard but we were very blessed. I saw a lot of pipes bursting in other peoples homes and people out of water and electricity for a whole week. Don't ever want to see that again 🙅‍♀️

  4. Michelle Baker
    Michelle Baker says:

    We are leaving TX today, 2/25. We’re from OR and got caught in Sonora TX trying to get to Fort Hood to get my son who separated from Army active duty and going on to Army National Guard. Seriously, what a week it has been! Didn’t get to do many of the things planned but we are safe and I have my boy!

    Praying for all of TX and it’s people…especially the hardest hit 💖🧎🏻‍♀️

  5. Cheryl Taylor
    Cheryl Taylor says:

    You know how snow and rain make the air all fresh and clean? How it will clean pollutants out of the air?… Don't let your kids eat the snow and ice.
    In fact rain water catchment is something you should look into. Next time this happens you might not be so fortunate and your power might go out. It's much more than not having lights and being able to charge your laptop. It means you don't have water. And if you are collecting rainwater then you know that it needs good filtration or it can make you very sick.
    Another thing you need to do to prepare for future situations like this is to get yourself a solar powered generator. You can keep them charged off of your house power and even plug them into your cigarette lighter in your running car, so you can charge it while you're driving.

  6. Linda Daterra
    Linda Daterra says:

    omgggggg!! soooo funny!! I live in Rhode Island and to us that was a sprinkling of snow!! I was cracking up watching you shovel….literally crying!! lol Thank God you explained that you were making a ramp for the girls because I was like…what the heck is she doing!!! lol Loved to see it.
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. donna gronemeyer
    donna gronemeyer says:

    Love the photos! So cute. I am from Rochester, NY so we have loads of snow here often. Sorry you had to go through this unusual storm, but so glad your girls had a lot of fun for a few days. Being a kindergarten teacher I am always alarmed at how many kids never go out and play in the snow here as we take it for granted. So glad you took the time to bundle up and do that. Great memories.

  8. Kim Olinger
    Kim Olinger says:

    So glad you did ok during storm. I am in Houston and lost power almost 4 days. Ate whatever I could find which wasn’t keto and I was so surprised when I weighed Monday and hadn’t gained, I think was so cold maybe that helped and I was probably still low in calories since food was limited. It was certainly a crazy week!

  9. Marina
    Marina says:

    🎩OFF to TEXAS! Prayers were said for you guys from SNOWMAGEDDEN (NE Oregon. Can’t imagine not being prepared. We always know it’s coming and are able to be prepared with that knowing. Community compassion is wonderful to hear about. God Bless Texas Ya’ll 😘

  10. Regena Bussdieker
    Regena Bussdieker says:

    Thanks for everything. you really inspire me and help tons. I lived in Abeliene a few years as a kid. Born in Maryland. Wind storms and temp drops were intense. Texas dont mess around and I miss the pecans. Dad got orders to Alaska. We cried and were scared but fell in love forever.
    Alaska snow is light and flooffy. unless it melts and freezes. Dry snow is easier than wet or ice. Big storms can bring in 20 inches over night. worse up north. Our bush cabin has about five feet on top.
    Stay safe! Those southern Ice storms though!! coldest i ever was even up here at -20… we dont really get those wet ice storms. I drove through a fierce one in north Arizona. yikes
    Up here in south central Alaska usually a big broom works to clean off the paths, the trucks, and even get the tires out. its sparkly and fun. Gear is important. Stay Blessed!

  11. Lynn Holmes
    Lynn Holmes says:

    Sweetie, you don't have to shovel the driveway when you get 6 in of snow on it even if there is also ice. you're going to have warm weather in a few days, it'll melt. If the car can't get out of the driveway then maybe shovel or pack it down. I really enjoy your channel. Alaska Girl

  12. Linda Bridges
    Linda Bridges says:

    I have been nonstop eating for weeks. Low carb less fat will help, also watch calories….I'm told by Dr. Westman and Amy Berger. I think it does if you don't nonstop eat like I am doing. Also muscle weighs more so the scale is not going to be your friend. You are probably loosing inches. Yes in Aubrey Tx, no power for 70 hours. Husband and I slept in recliners in front of the fireplace with layers of clothes and jackets w/ hoods. We are native Texans. We considered ourselves fortunate to have the fireplace and the wood. The temp in the house stayed about 45 degrees. We made through without damage to us or the house.

  13. Mayte M
    Mayte M says:

    After losing 160 pounds I have had to switch to learning to maintain because I was finding myself making poor choices more often. It's been extremely difficult to maintain but it gives me a little diet break… my plan is to finish the last 10-15 pounds once the weather warms up and I feel more comfortable with my eating choices… restrictive dieting for too long I think isn't good for long term maintenance in my experience. .. all the best to you and your journey ❤


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