Snake Bones 14: Josh and Food

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37 replies
  1. Laura Marie
    Laura Marie says:

    Please have that dude back on his laugh is everything. The Way you two have so much about josh to talk about its just awesome 👌🏻 I have to mention this but there was a bit you talk about his hiccups I've noticed when he is exaggerating a story or possibly lying,he hiccups and when he doesn't like something he makes that weird like slurping noise, what ever that is he does haha

  2. DynamoDylan
    DynamoDylan says:

    I don't think he can really taste much, the tobacco and all that other shit he eats nuked his taste buds, plus he probably has a layer of plaque that helps block the flavours and textures.

  3. T-CO
    T-CO says:

    I liked the first one he was on because of his knowledge of cobes and his and overall demeanor. This one seals the deal! He needs to be a regular co-host.

  4. Billy the Kid
    Billy the Kid says:

    I laughed so many times, its nice to know there are dudes out there with the same sense of humor. Fuck I have not watched some of these cooking clips in a while im starting to feel sick to my stomach.

  5. Weirdtuber journalism
    Weirdtuber journalism says:

    READ ME- watch my stuff i'm a joshologist,

    Long story short the REASON!!!! WHY JOSH DOESN'T CLEAN HIS PANS, TO THE POINT WHERE THEY HAVE the grease layers of pass cookings, is hecause. . . HE BELIEVES that just like how if you don't clean a grill, it will leave behind a residue from the pass cookings, and enhance the next grill off (allegdly), josh seems to believe thos also applies to pans as well.


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