Smoked Deli Style Roast Beef

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My recipe for Deli Roast beef. Save your money and make your own exactly how you want it.

6 replies
  1. Roger Batalon
    Roger Batalon says:

    What’s the best way to keep this roast beef? I usually do 2-3 lb of eye of round to make this but usually eat it or give it away within 5 days. Can I freeze it for later or will the quality deteriorate?

  2. Tim Stephens
    Tim Stephens says:

    Maldon salt is the best. My mum grew up near Maldon in the UK. Never seen the bucket size in Australia, I can only buy a small box which is expensive. Thanks for the videos.

  3. Carlos Largaespada
    Carlos Largaespada says:

    Bro!!! The coffee hit yah good cause you got louder and you started banging spoons and bowls. I'm surprised the little lady didn't wake up and beat you with her slippers for being noisy! Great video though, I always wanted to learn how to make my own deli style roast beef!!

  4. Ron Corbin
    Ron Corbin says:

    Eye Round is my favorite beef roast, enjoyed your video. I like to cook mind on the rotisserie . When I can find it I like to rape roast in sheet fat & tie it. Season the outside & I put my garlic garlic inside roast. Like you said better & cheaper than the market. I also slice it on slicer ! Enjoy


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