Slow Day in the Farmhouse

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Join us for an ordinary winter day in the farmhouse. Lots of from scratch cooking and starting on a new project. Get 5% off my grain …

31 replies
  1. Deedra Fulkerson
    Deedra Fulkerson says:

    Those cinnamon rolls look especially delicious! I love that you made them in a cast iron skillet!! I love books! I probably would have bought the whole set too! It so amazing how your baby sleeps thru all your kitchen maneuvers! Thanks for Sharing!

  2. Annie Louise
    Annie Louise says:

    Hey Lisa!
    My girls love watching the video your girls made a while back and would love to see another one made by them! Hope you guys are enjoying the last of winter weather!

  3. Renee Carter
    Renee Carter says:

    Wow! I hope you know how much joy and love comes through your channel! I get choked up peeking into these precious moments of your family… and baby Theo is so beautiful 🥰
    🍀thank you🍀

  4. Angela Hagood
    Angela Hagood says:

    Kids screaming while sliding down a snowy hill…how fun! 🛷❄️ Lisa you always share such timely information and products. The books you purchased sound amazing! Would you consider having the author on your podcast? I’d love for you both to compare notes, it would be so interesting! As always…wonderful episode!

  5. Sweet Dahlia Homestead
    Sweet Dahlia Homestead says:

    Love the homemaking videos. Of course I do similar things around the house, but sometimes it’s relaxing to just watch you doing it. It gives those warm & homey feelings, like a release of serotonin 😊 Hopefully that doesn’t sound weird. And of course, seeing baby Theo’s cute little face, that’s just giving me baby fever all over again! 🤗

  6. Mar M
    Mar M says:

    Hi there! New subscriber here. First of all… wow.. you do a lot of cooking! Everything looks delicious 🙂 I am a stay-at-home mom too and I cook as well but I don't enjoy it as you seem to. Lol. Anyways, do you guys make your income from running the farm? I know you get income from your social media outlets too. Cheers from Canada!

  7. Deborah
    Deborah says:

    I hope that you thank your cow for supplying milk for your family every day. I don't know why, but I have such a fondness for cows, always have. Love your videos, Lisa.

  8. Heather Natal
    Heather Natal says:

    Wow this is so inspiring! My family and I just moved to a mini farm last week 💕🥰 we’re learning as much as we can and then we’re starting small with ducks haha. I loved this video so sweet thanks for sharing!!!


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