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In this video I show you how to make slow cooker dill pickle beef pot roast. Seasoned and seared beef pot roast slow cooked with …

8 replies
  1. DaBomb Smokes
    DaBomb Smokes says:

    As always, great video Richard!
    I’m going to have to try the dill pickle trick next time I make a pot roast.
    Was that a shoulder roast? It looked a little bit like a chuck roast but I wasn’t sure. I thought it may be a shoulder or bottom round.
    Either way it looked delicious!

  2. Steve Logan
    Steve Logan says:

    Richard, btw, that other post ain't from me that says Logan, me & you are already good friends. btw, i wonder how this would taste with bread & butter pickles ?, you know, half sweet & half sour, but i still think i'd like your dill recipe better, just curious.

  3. Steve Logan
    Steve Logan says:

    Richard my friend , don't look look funny to me, i like it & sometimes i get in the mood to pour about 4 ounces of pickle juice & sip on it, lol, a tip from me as been cooking with cast iron since i was 9, cast iron is a poor conductor of heat, but great retainer of heat( can have cool spots) so preheat your oven to 450 F & put your skillet in for appx. 25-30 minutes, double mitt when taking out as will be screaming hot pal. Then sear your chuck/pot roast on the the stove top, works great buddy, i'm gonna make this recipe, never seen or thought of it. I just ate supper & now i'm hungry again, thanks Richard, yes that was sarcasm, lol.


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