SLOW COOKED WILD RABBIT – How To Cook Wild Rabbit Meat

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SLOW COOKED WILD RABBIT – How To Cook Wild Rabbit Meat This easy, slow cooked, wild rabbit recipe, is for a beginner level …

4 replies
  1. Jean Woodall
    Jean Woodall says:

    Looks delicious. I've had rabbit before. They breaded and fried or baked it. It was a friend who cooked it. Mom is feeling a little better but not quite over her sickness. She still has a while to go to recover from the surgery she had last month. She isn't cleared to return to work until the 24th. I have been doing the laundry and taking out the trash for her since lifting 5lbs is painful for her. I've also been straightening out her things. I did her drawers a while back. Now I'm doing the top of her dresser and side table. I regularly straighten out my own things as they get kind of messed up since they are in bags. I purged half of my wardrobe due to becoming allergic to polyester. I've worn it for years but now it makes me itch. I took pictures of my favorite outfits that have to go for that reason. There were 11 outfits. I had to get rid of most of my dresses, all of my tank tops, all of my blouses, most of my skirts, and most of my pants. I was able to keep all of my T-shirts and all of my flannel shirts. Need to get more bottoms as I only have 1 long skirt, two shorter skirts, 1 pair of long pants, 1 pair of capri pants, and 2 pairs of shorts, and 2 short sleeve dresses. Used to have 21 dresses in total.


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