Slice 2 Zucchinis & Pour This Delicious Mixture On Top

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Zucchini Roll Filled With Ground Beef & Cheddar Cheese ⬇️ FULL RECIPE BELOW ⬇️ An entire meal in one delicious roll? It’s all happening in this recipe for …

24 replies
  1. peter
    peter says:

    In other words, how to make a boring vegetable like zucchini have some sort of taste. Unfortunately eliminates all healthful elements of the vegetable, but I understand the point. Zucchini is boring as a vegetable.

  2. Kris Roberton
    Kris Roberton says:

    I made this only I made the filling vegetarian, using onion, garlic, olives, sun-dried tomatoes, mushrooms, and walnuts, all finely chopped. It was delicious and looked great and best of all, it was quick and easy to make. Thanks for sharing this!

  3. Christine Zbinden
    Christine Zbinden says:

    So, I like others fell in love with the first one however let me tell you what was not addressed in the video.
    1. The slosh factor. When you pick this up to move the zucchinis float all over the place.
    2. Cookie sheets heat unevenly. This causes one side of the sheet to "ping" up which results in the egg mix moving to the deep end.
    I gave up and used a large glass casserole dish to cook it in. I never rolled it up just cut it into squares and called it good.


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