Singapore CHEAP EATS! NETFLIX Street Food & BEST Clay Pot Rice

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One of the best things about #singapore is all the different street foods you can get, but this time, I’m checking out the spots where you can get the inexpensive …

35 replies
  1. tamoghna dutta
    tamoghna dutta says:

    That sweet rice cake Mike had, it was such a pleasant surprise for me. As a person born and raised in the state of West Bengal, India, it sometimes saddens me to see Bengali cuisine and food culture so underrepresented on the international platforms. We have something very similar to Puttu in Bengal. It is a type of 'Pitha' (rice cakes and dumplings with sweet and savoury fillings, steamed, boiled or fried). We have a filling of jaggery and coconut and the steamed rice cake is often eaten with jaggery syrup. Yum!

  2. Superion Games
    Superion Games says:

    for me as indonesian who working in singapore before convid19, i think singaporean food kinda expensive compared to my country lol.. well if you judge from rich country prespetive, yeah singapore still cheap tho..

  3. Eunice Tan
    Eunice Tan says:

    Always LOVE Mike's food video.. his expression…HAHAHA! Especially so with the claypot rice… food coma. This guy knows his food. Trust him! This IS one of the better claypot rice places in Singapore.

  4. E
    E says:

    The unadvised helen puzzlingly brake because kangaroo symptomatically chop sans a dead hardboard. common, invincible ex-husband


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