SIMPLE RECIPES USING BLACK BEANS | Healthy and CHEAP! How To Eat Healthy On A Low Grocery Budget

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22 replies
  1. Simple Christian Living
    Simple Christian Living says:

    You can cook dried beans in the oven. Use a Dutch oven with lid. About 350 for an hour. It depends how full you fill it. A whole pound bag may take 1 1/2 hours. Fill the oven: cook whole sweet or regular potatoes cuz the timings close… cram up the rest of the rack! You can do rice in a big 9×13 pan too but it'll be done in 30- 40 minutes. No soaking on the oven beans either. Just put the amount you want in pot, cover with water 2-3 inches above beans, add spices, cover and cook. Make sure your pots lid can take the heat. All your recipes looked delicious! I always keep store bought canned beans on hand! They are an awesome healthy and affordable choice.

  2. Anita Childress
    Anita Childress says:

    Thank you for sharing some great ideas for using up the many cans of black beans I have in my pantry. For future pantry staples videos I would love to see lentils, sweet potatoes and oatmeal.

  3. purplegal05
    purplegal05 says:

    Can you do a dried bean video? Like every recipe made from dried beans. I have black beans, pinto beans, lima beans, red beans, and kidney beans in jars, but I have no idea what to make with them other than chili.

  4. Kathleen Butler
    Kathleen Butler says:

    You're from Nevada!!! Me too..I love your channel and totally agree re dry beans even tho I have a crock and IP…I now buy canned because if a grid goes down how would you cook all those gallons of dry beans peppers have etc…anyway great video and yay for canned beans!!

  5. Yvonne Palmquist
    Yvonne Palmquist says:

    Canned beans are cheaper than meats and take-out. People on budgets are usually very limited on time, too, whether it's O/T, a second job, additional travel time to walk, take a bus. No one should be judging people on how they spend their money (or time). They really shouldn't be judging people on whether their frugalness is 'frugal enough.' Every one does what's best for them. And that's okay.


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