Simple RABBIT BONE BROTH using an Instant Pot

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Rabbit bone broth is a staple here – we use it in soups, rice & pasta dishes, gravies, and more! Bone broth is easily digestible and …

25 replies
  1. Sarah Cann
    Sarah Cann says:

    Fabulous and informative video! We raise rabbits, chickens and goats and I’ve been making bone broth but I will be switching to your method and using those bones for the chickens. Thanks!!

  2. S4TA
    S4TA says:

    Thank you so much for this video! I thought we could only make bone broth from raw bones so I've been tossing the cooked bones. I also just jumped on board with the IP for the same reason lol!

  3. Seaspray127
    Seaspray127 says:

    I fully support your wish to get back to the quality of life for our "meat". I am really interesting in sustanable agriculture. An animal raised in fresh air and sun with natural forage is much healthier than an animal raised in a very epensive enclosed barn standing on its own excreta. I do this because I love animals, but I also see the result in human health resulting from these unatural technicques.

  4. Sarah Foulke
    Sarah Foulke says:

    This is one of the things I'm looking forward to most once we are able to start butchering! And I love my instant pot for bone broth. So easy! Great video. 🙂 Just out of curiosity, do you use your quail for meat at all. If so, do you ever use quail feet for bone broth? I know they are so tiny, lol, and would have to use quite a few but just curious if that would work too.

  5. Darryl Duncan
    Darryl Duncan says:

    I tried chicken feet at a buffet once. To me, they tasted like they’d been walking around in chicken poop so I haven’t had them since. Glad to see there’s another use for them to limit waste. Great video!

  6. LilBit AtATime
    LilBit AtATime says:

    Beautiful golden congealed broth. I was the same way using a pressure cooker but got used to it which made it easier to pressure can foods in my pressure canner. I recently added to my pantry shelf bone-in rabbit that created a beautiful broth without adding water. I may dehydrate the broth when I drain each jar.

  7. Kate Champney
    Kate Champney says:

    So glad you are sharing rabbit cooking videos! I like to add ashwaganda and stinging nettle to my bone broth for added adaptogens and minerals. I do the same thing you do with the bone slushy and give it as a food topper to my dogs. Great tip on bone roasting first. I have been deboning my rabbits so I am going to try it out!

  8. SLMacKenzie
    SLMacKenzie says:

    I LOVE my Instant Pot for bone broth! I never thought to roast the bones first… and we always composted the bones afterwards, what a smart idea to blend them for a healthy chicken treat!! Great tips, thanks for those! Always learning! Your channel and content continues to be my favorite source for solid information and a smiling face! Lovely videos 😊

  9. mary Kejejian
    mary Kejejian says:

    Lovely video!
    Just want to support “the quality of life that our meat has” idea! 100% agree!
    Im in the medical field and the info i have of how the chicken meat stays white and the beef stays red in the supermarket fridge is 🤢 gross 🤮. Not to speak of the bread recycling accreditation that i recently learned about!
    People must go back to raising their own meat growing their own veggies and baking their own bread!

  10. Logan Wells
    Logan Wells says:

    Love this!! I have been wanting to figure out what to do with the rabbit bones. I didn't realize they would make a good broth! Thanks for this! You should definitely make some recipe/cooking videos!

  11. Tina Watrous
    Tina Watrous says:

    LOVE THIS! I have been making rabbit bone broth for about a year and it is FABULOUS! I even went a step further and dehydrated some and made bouillon. My daughter was 100% against eating rabbit but loved the "turkey" gravy I made for Thanksgiving dinner. 🙂

  12. Kayla Spangle
    Kayla Spangle says:

    I'm just now wanting to get into rabbits for my kiddos for 4H and for meat. So glad your making videos like this!!!
    I also am curious. When you cook and eat your rabbits do you notice a problem with alot of small bones getting into your meat? My mother in law said she has this problem and I'm curious if this is common, if she did something wrong, or if there's a way around this.


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