Simple Plant Based Meals For MAXIMUM WEIGHT LOSS / Whole Food Plant Based / Starch Solution

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Welcome to my channel. My name is Taylor, also known as The Mommy Vegan! Today, I am sharing 3 simple vegan oil free meals that will help you reach …

34 replies
  1. AddieV
    AddieV says:

    Honestly, the first month our bodies are probably just healing so much for most ppl and then after that the actual weight loss accelerates?!

  2. Rose Hammond
    Rose Hammond says:

    So Taylor, does your husband eat this way too? My husband is still a meat eater, which he gets his fix from lunches out, but will try what I make and not be too critical. Wondering how it’s working for your husband. 🙋‍♀️🌹

  3. Praising Servant
    Praising Servant says:

    I've been eating this way, the vast majority of the time, for about 8 weeks and I have to say, the weight loss has been S-L-O-W. But I know now that my body needs a LOT of healing. The gut flora and organs are where the body is going to heal first, THEN it can release the stored fat. Also, I've felt EXHAUSTED, so not able to workout like I want to, but get walks in a few times/week. Also because I've been through like 11 years of continuous trauma and stress so my body needs to HEAL right now. Plus I'm 56. So weight loss, while we want it so much, will come, but just trust your body if its prioritizing other healing first, because it knows what it needs. I trust my energy will come back and my weight will go down substantially when it's ready. Until then I'm celebrating the healing that I HAVE seen so far-tooth sensitivity gone (a life long issue), pooping like a boss, sleep much better, brain working better, skin looks better, have lost half a clothes size (enough that folks are noticing). A long way to go, but a lot of good happening too. Peace!

  4. RecklessBehavi0r
    RecklessBehavi0r says:

    Your meals only seem to be around 500 calories each. Based on your meals I'm ssuming your maintaining your weight at 1500-1600 calories. That seems kind of low, or do you snack in between meals? Or is this video only meant for those losing weight ?

  5. Prvbs_ 31
    Prvbs_ 31 says:

    I needed the encouragement to stay consistent. I’m a month in and am not seeing the fast weight loss results I was hoping for, but I am feeling better. So I’m trying to keep my focus on the long term health benefits instead of the scale.

  6. Latoshia Eastman
    Latoshia Eastman says:

    I’m new to your channel and decided to start this healthy lifestyle! Ok m excited and nervous all at once. I will be documenting this journey !! I’m looking forward for great results.

  7. Donna Allison
    Donna Allison says:

    I need help I have gastroparesis and colonic inertia which I was told I can't eat vegetables,grains,fruit because they are high in fiber.My body doesn't digest them.I was eating everything raw and plantbased entirely now I can't eat hardly anything but jello,broth and the head GI specialist of the university has told me I will never be able to eat like that again. So I'm struggling.

  8. Debbie Fischer
    Debbie Fischer says:

    This video was great timing! I’ve been 100% on the Starch Solution using your easy meal ideas & I haven’t lost even a 10th of a lb. I was ready to throw in the towel but I’m back to it this morning with some quickly streamed broccoli & cut up cuc w/blueberry oats for breakfast!

  9. Mona Tashroudian
    Mona Tashroudian says:

    How was your diet before starting the vegan diet? It’s Amazon you lost so much weight, but for someone who already eats relatively healthy, it would be helpful to know how different your prior diet was. Thanks!

  10. Ellaine Smith
    Ellaine Smith says:

    Good morning Taylor. I just started the starch solution on Monday. I have been vegetarian for 4 years but haven't had much success losing weight .
    Your videos are so encouraging and I hope this lifestyle will work for me. Thank you so much for your channel and all the hard work you do to keep the videos coming.

  11. David's Allotment
    David's Allotment says:

    Lovely video and I love Taylor's videos. I always do a menu planner for each day for around 10-14 days. I have thrived because I don't get colds as often as I did before my vegan days. I have never had the flu in the last 5 years.

  12. kathy’s _folly
    kathy’s _folly says:

    The poke’ bowl looks especially good to me. I have never used tofu….so you put the tofu with marinade container in the fridge to marinate or leave it on the counter at room temperature?
    Thanks so much!

  13. CharliGirlMusic
    CharliGirlMusic says:

    I appreciate you and your channel so much! I am a planner but not much of a prepper, but I'm trying to be. I have your ebook and I made your Potato Vegetable Soup this past week. My daughter doesn't like vegetable soup, and she loved it! So this morning I've been using your cookbook to help me come up with a plan so I can prep for the week. I've been vegan for a while, but recently found out I'm Celiac, too, and have a lot of weight to lose, and your videos and recipes always comfort me. I've watched every video on your channel and eagerly await each new one. I'm determined to make great changes in my health with this lifestyle, and I appreciate you for helping me with this. Oh, and I'm going to try to make the Poke bowl today!💖

  14. Mandy Lou
    Mandy Lou says:

    How long did it take you to lose the last 5-10 lbs? I have been maintaining my weight no matter what i try, i refuse to go hungry and i'm still breastfeeding my 12 month old daughter and lift weights five days a week as well as walking at least 30 min a day. So I'm wondering if my activity level is causing me to be extra hungry. I eat very clean I just never feel full and its exhausting:(


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