SIMPLE Meal Ideas 🍜 When There’s Nothing Left In The Kitchen

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45 replies
  1. DCARA06
    DCARA06 says:

    awesome idea to share cheap yummy meals out of what you have. I was just thinking because you are quite isolated maybe you should make sure you have a stockpile of nonperishables on hand in case there is a storm or something that makes it difficult to get to the store.

  2. S Hess
    S Hess says:

    it used to be that if a recipe needed a cup of something and I had an extra 1/4 of it….I'd just throw it in. Now, I use less than the cup the recipe calls for and make a second something with the extra and the 1/4 that I would have used to throw in. lol….not sure that is clear but what I'm saying is I'm often using less than the recipe calls for to make a dish and instead able to streatch it more. Not going hungry either.

  3. makeastatement1
    makeastatement1 says:

    in the same boat using up everything in the fridge and cabinets! Growing as much of our own food as we can. Recently getting into fermented foods and hope you are implementing these healthy foods into your diet as well. Would love to see what you are doing on your land and gardens?! What protein powder do you use. I have a complete guar gum sensitivity and its in so many foods. My solution has been hemp and or chia seeds. Would love to know what you've found for protein in your smoothies?

  4. forevermia
    forevermia says:

    Last time I was in Hawaii, I felt like I would go broke just trying to feed myself lol. I think it has the highest food cost in the country. Definitely important not to let anything go to waste.

  5. tenapit
    tenapit says:

    Hey girl hey!! Thanks for another great video.
    I noticed something today that I never have before so just wanted to mention it in case it’s something serious. One side of your mouth seems like it’s drooping when you were talking. Hope everything is okay ❤

  6. Jones LeFae
    Jones LeFae says:

    F-yeah! Food is soooo expensive and I have been trying not to waste – especially now that I only have myself to feed (boyfriend moved out, kid went to college). But now I have a new roommate and she buys SOOOO much food and then doesn't eat most of it! So frustrating! She was living in of-grid in the woods for years with 7 people in her household and I don't think she knows how to feed just herself (or just her and me). Hopefully she'll get the hang of it soon!


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