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40% OFF the Eat More Weigh Less Video Course – Join My Meal Plan Subscription The …

37 replies
  1. Kathryn L
    Kathryn L says:

    I have really enjoyed your Eat More Weigh Less course! I'm down 12 pounds so far and my allergies are almost non-existent! (I've been doing it for about 7 weeks)

    TRAVEL & STYLE says:

    Great video. I’ve been following you and Kiki and it has been life changing. Thank you so much for sharing all your recipes on YT and IG 😊 Greetings from Switzerland 🇨🇭

  3. Alison Warren
    Alison Warren says:

    Hello Hannah, I have a non food based question please; I follow both you and Kikki on YouTube and I see that you have worked together on some ebooks and whilst you were talking about her at the beginning of this video it struck me just how much you look like and sound like Kikki, you’re not sisters are you?

  4. Sherrie Piechowski
    Sherrie Piechowski says:

    This looked like a restaurant worthy meal! But so many of the things you cook, bake or create are so deserving of being on a a menu! Maybe you should open a plant based restaurant or deli ???

  5. sigma six
    sigma six says:

    Looks yummy, thanks, your place looks awesome btw too, congrats… now, the only exception I have is adding corn, since it's no longer grown as a food crop but for ethanol production ($$$$$$) last I checked, 80% of ALL corn is now GMO… meaning the pesticide is now built right into the DNA of the plant… (saves money spraying…) With people like B. Gates being the largest farmland owner on planet Earth, it will be 100% GMO in the future (Thanks Bill… o.O~)!

  6. Luna
    Luna says:

    Looks AMAZING, Hannah! 😃 Thanks for sharing the recipe with us! I really admire how hard-working you are. Not gonna lie, I’m considering your meal plan membership 🤔 You are very convincing☺️ you made a good point concerning the community aspect. There is no one I know, near or far, who is eating the way I am😅

  7. Elizabeth McGowan
    Elizabeth McGowan says:

    I just started the Monthly Meal Plan and I am SO happy I did!! Makes eating healthy super easy and it’s nice to have that community with others 😊 thank you Hannah and Derek for all you do

  8. Lulu's Mom
    Lulu's Mom says:

    About your allergies…have you tried a dry sauna…I know you are building one…maybe at your gym in the meantime.💚🌱💚 My eyes get attacked here in Southern AZ …so I get the pain of allergies. Tinkyada fan, COSORI fan…and I have the Nama J2 . You will LOVE IT! 💚💚💚. Thanks for fabulous content. 🙏 Arizona Strong ! This week made your pasta salad from MM and the spaghetti from the other day. Ordered the sauce you recommended!

  9. Luisa Leonardi
    Luisa Leonardi says:

    I can nearly smell this nice dinner meal. Thanks Hannah for posting it.
    Any more ideas for the air fryer which I constantly use, making any sort of cheakpea or bean and a mixture of vegetables balls.


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