Simple Chinese Comfort Food – Chicken, Sausage and Mushroom

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37 replies
  1. Rhonda
    Rhonda says:

    It looks delicious. I want to try it. I have never seen Chinese Sausage in the grocery stores. Is there a specific name or brand that it goes by? I am going to ask the meat department for it, and if they don't have it, maybe they can bring it in. Thanks!

  2. Victor Lee
    Victor Lee says:

    Very simple and delicious recipe , I can only think of it , difficult to get the sausage here , we don’t have the luxury of getting these things from the past , the restrictions is depriving us from enjoying these delicious things. Thanks for sharing have a great weekend everyone .

  3. CdnChopSuey
    CdnChopSuey says:

    Amen @dudelum, i too failed to appreciate the tastes and flavours my parents cooked up as a kid and am now appreciating it and making it on my own, all thanks to Flo! ❤

  4. Anderson Omo
    Anderson Omo says:

    This looks SO good – I definitely will give it a go! I reckon some bok choy tucked into the same steamer set up, outside of the chicken plate, will make me feel extra virtuous but still keep this as a 2 pot meal. Having less to wash up is an extra bonus! Thanks FLO and DUDE for another great, simple, do-able, economical recipe!

  5. Shauna H. Creations
    Shauna H. Creations says:

    I love chinese sausage. When I was growing up my dad would just throw the chinese sausage in the rice cooker as it was cooking lol. So I do that sometimes now. I think to describe it its like a sweet soy sauce? But I love it in fried rice too.

  6. jonesbub1
    jonesbub1 says:

    I’m so curious about the Chinese sausage. We don’t have any Asian markets around where I live. I may have to request a special delivery when my son comes home from D.C. next time!! Dude surely did enjoy this dish!! Happy Sunday! TFS, Sharon♥️🤗

  7. RatdogDRB
    RatdogDRB says:

    Love me some Chinese snausage! Haven't had any in a very long time! Loving this dish, very simple. I need to find myself some snausage and make this one! Thanks Flo, always a pleasure.

  8. Irene Woo
    Irene Woo says:

    This is one of my favorite Chinese dishes growing up and even now. My aunties and restaurants always chopped up a whole chicken with bones in it but I prefer it this way boneless a lot better. I just never know what sauces/spice and the amounts for ingredients so it would come out disappointingly bland, not very good tasting, not close to how it's suppose to taste, or way too salty so I gave up. Even though you said you're not here for the recipes, but I am here for the recipes and glad you are on YouTube. I like following your tips and mostly your easy cooking methods that uses the least amount of dishes because I don't like washing dishes too. Thank you for showing us another nostalgic dish!

  9. Lily Conte
    Lily Conte says:

    Flo I used to make this dish very often then after a while I just went on to something else totally forgot about this dish. Thank you Flo I’m going to make this tomorrow 😋😋

  10. Luv80s
    Luv80s says:

    Hi, great dish. My boys think that the Chinese sausage make all dishes better 😀. Will definitely make it sometime this week. Thanks.
    BTW love your hairstyle.

  11. Fhertzman
    Fhertzman says:

    Just bought your new book, can't wait to try all these recipes! I'm not a fan of mushrooms but will give this one a try as my husband loves them. I have 1 question though…have you ever mentioned how you cook your everyday white rice? I've been thinking about investing in a zojirushi rice cooker but wanted to know what you use as well? Thanks for sharing another great recipe!

  12. Heidi D
    Heidi D says:

    Mmmm Flo, that looks really good. And I'm so hungry right now.
    Is that sausage only found at an Asian market or will a regular grocery store carry it? Could you write its name so I have the spelling, please. I actually have Chinese sausage in my fridge but it's not like a salami, it's more like an Italian sausage but it's red with Chinese seasoning. Would it work?
    Happy Sunday to you, as well. ❤

  13. Renee Kennedy
    Renee Kennedy says:

    Oy! This looks and sounds SO good! I was just thinking…I "have this" in your new cookbook! Yahfrigginhoo!!! I'll have to see if our Sungiven Food Store has the chinese sausage! Thank you Flo and Dude! I recently did your ground beef and pea recipe and your pork dumplings using napa cabbage as a wrapper – keto friendly ;-). Love your cook books/videos/recipes! Love that you keep the recipes easy to make, easy to find recipe and "not" hard on the wallet! Thank you again!

  14. Susan Burnett
    Susan Burnett says:

    That just looks so good. I am buying your new cookbook on payday. I will have them all. Dude makes it look so good. By the time I watch him do the taste, I am so hungry. Have a great Sunday.


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