Signature Glass of Wine | Holiday Greetings

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Happy Holidays! Grab a beverage and pull up a chair while we visit with you for a while. You all are so important to us. We thank …

20 replies
  1. Karen Sandstrum
    Karen Sandstrum says:

    Very glad to see your signature glass of wine (mimosa) back! I wish you both a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! Stay safe and I look forward to seeing you in 2023. ❤️❤️🎄🎄

  2. Rosa bella
    Rosa bella says:

    So nice seeing you ! Watch “the Minimalists”. They can inspire you to get rid of “stuff” . I strive to keep my home empty as empty as possible so as not to burden the kids 🙂

    Have a very very happy holiday!!!!love and hugs from New York ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. Colleen Alcantar
    Colleen Alcantar says:

    My neighbor had cancer and Dr. Told him to get his affairs together . He was scared and did research and did a lot of kale and green juices and ate a lot of raw garlic. He is cancer free today and him and wife had another baby. I would do a carrot beet juice. 8 carrot, 1 beet, 1 cucumber and ginger. Make a batch you can put in Mason jar and freeze take out a jar or two drink in the morning. Let it dethaw in the refrigerator. I love you guys.

  4. VitaZgal
    VitaZgal says:

    It's sooo comfortable just being here with you….both ! I love this….I stopped watching a special tv interview with Drew B visiting Potus and Flotus…( it was delightful…)…I listen intently to everything you both are saying….while I'm thinking…'they look soo good…' and grateful you are doing well/sharing blood tests, etc… Then when sharing the books & movies….it's no wonder it feels so natural being here with you both….those are ones I watch every Christmas…and have…but have not read Stephen King you mentioned…I will do so…& thank you.. LOVE the recommendations… You two are so enjoyable..This is perfect timing… P E R F E C T….Merry Christmas…..The very best wishes-with appreciation for all you've brought into our homes…each and every time you're here …no matter what the content or the pace or the delivery….I love being with you both …. I never want to miss that opportunity & want you to know it's how we all feel with your surprise visits !

  5. Donna Richey
    Donna Richey says:

    I have a second cousin that was on the grammy with spiegburg many years ago. He used to write for I think a tv picket fence and some others, he was not the sole writer. He wrote for Tom Hanks and was a friend with him, Tom didn't want him to go, but he is on to doing other things. He teaches writers classes and other things. I haven't seen him since he was a young boy he moved to California. My daughter loves Stephen King. I like true stories. I get books and start and never finish. Ugh. Our electric has been off and on all day. I worry it will ruin my computer. I am still in my night gown. its after 5. My legs are ice cold. Need to shower and dress warm. So glad to see you two. I am staying home too. We were invited to Richey's xmas with family. Stayed home and we were invited to new years day for dinner. Nope. Yes, I could clean a whole house 8 rooms in one day. Now nothing.

  6. Sue Williams
    Sue Williams says:

    You are a lot warmer than we are. Have high winds and temp is -2. Want to do the bread but can’t find fresh cranberries or frozen ones. Hope you have a wonderful Holiday and you stay warm.


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