Shoyu Ramen (Soft Boiled) Eggs…Which Cooking Method is Better?

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How to make the ramen eggs perfectly. See recipe: For the tare sauce (affiliate links below): 240 ml Japanese soy sauce 1 piece …

31 replies
  1. Ha Ye
    Ha Ye says:

    Thanks a lot for giving this recipe, Jesse. I've made the ramen eggs with the tare sauce. I even used the tare sauce twice and the taste is still delicious. And I didn't threw out the garlic. It could be eaten as side dish and the taste just wow. Big thumbs up!!!

  2. Johnny SilverFoot
    Johnny SilverFoot says:

    I messed around and what seems to be working is
    – have eggs sitting in the refrigerator with a hole poked into the end with a safety pin
    – when water is boiling, and cook for exactly 7 minutes on full boil.
    – immediately put eggs into cold water for 10 minutes.
    half a minute less gives really runny yolks.
    Half a minute longer makes them a bit too firm
    It might vary depending on what temperature the fridge is.

  3. Winston Chay
    Winston Chay says:

    My only question now is how do you make the yolk be in the center of the egg. I have tried a few times but the egg yolks are always too close to the edge of the bottom of the egg such that there is little to no egg white. How do you store the eggs? Lying on its sides or vertical upwards?

  4. Cindy Yan
    Cindy Yan says:

    If I follow your chashu recipe, can I just use that sauce for the eggs? It looks like you've added in this egg recipe a piece of kombu and bonito flakes in the sauce.

  5. Tim W.
    Tim W. says:

    I just made some ramen eggs and had 2 of my eggs crack as soon as I put them in the water! Thanks for the tip of keeping them in warm water before putting them in the pot!

  6. Tom Maynard
    Tom Maynard says:

    Curious. When I make ramen eggs in my IP I use [Sealing, Manual, Low pressure, 6 minutes, QR] and they come out exactly like those at the 2:00 minute mark in your video. Mine's a 6qt Duo.

    But, if you want to cook "in between" minutes (5:30, 6:25, etc.) just set your cook time for 1 minute longer, and use a stopwatch (or your phone, or a second hand on a clock) and hit "Stop" and QR at the proper time.
    I just say, "Alexa, set a timer for 30 seconds" but Siri or Cortana or Google will do the same thing.


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