Shorts Storytime: How one person liking some soup changed the course of my life

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44 replies
  1. Curtis Farrior
    Curtis Farrior says:

    Poor sucker , thinks he likes cooking, cool in a restaurant and you realize it really is for the people that dropped out of college , not a career choice 💀 I'm a cook. I hate it. Use to love cooking though. Now I rather just cook for myself and eat my own food fuck customers.

  2. Demetrio Montoya
    Demetrio Montoya says:

    I had the complete opposite situation. I cooked in the military and we were overworked, treated like shit, unappreciated. I stopped cooking for people in 2000. I get anxiety when I see the 1' X 1' red floor tiles. I can't stand kitchens. Cooking shows aren't interesting, in fact I find them repulsive. I don't know what it would take for me to get my love back.

  3. Margaret K
    Margaret K says:

    I’ve been living in that feeling lately. I started cosmetology school a couple months ago and I’ve been working with guests since November of last year. Seeing people excited and happy with how their hair looks always gives me a warm feeling in my chest. It lets me know I’m on the right path☺️☺️

  4. Kyler Quinn
    Kyler Quinn says:

    Is there any reason you used garlic powder? Rather than using real garlic(minced, diced, whole cloves)? Especially since you used other items that just add flavor, but are not meant to be eaten?

    Side note: I personally use garlic powder often for seasoning, but I am also not a chef and don’t typically plan enough ahead of time before cooking. Just curious here 🤔

  5. BimodalHealer
    BimodalHealer says:

    I feel this so hard I love watching peoples reactions when they try food. it just makes you feel so proud to give people that feeling! Of something they’ll hopefully always remember!


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