Shop With Me America’s Cheapest Grocery Store and Costco 2023

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Yay, Shop With Me America’s Cheapest Grocery Store and Costco 2023 that I filmed with my recently broken wrist, but hey we’re …

20 replies
  1. April Stutzman
    April Stutzman says:

    I have been praying and will continue praying for you and your family and whatever it is that you are going through right now. He will be your strength. He gives perfect strength in perfect weakness. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not on thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.

  2. Jan H
    Jan H says:

    My dear kind and sweet in-laws had ten children of their own and raised one near and dear child who was the child of a sibling to one of my in-laws. They got that child age five. So I consider them having eleven kiddos! They had two huge freezers and filled one with pork and beef, both grown on their farm! The other one was filled with veggies from their own gardens! Breads were made In their own home! They did a large grocery haul each week, but never ever were their’s this large! I know my dear mother-in-law worked most of her days preparing meals, doing dishes and serving her huge family! I never heard of them ever going out to eat, because they didn’t! Most of these frozen foods didn’t exist at their time. My loving in-laws worked very hard and college educated most of their kids and educated the others with two or more years of vocational school education, beyond high school.

  3. Shelia Javery
    Shelia Javery says:

    I Found your channel a year ago, and have been encouraged ever since, You are the Sweetest Soul! God never brings You To It If He Does Not Plan On Bringing You Through It! Blessings and Light For You and Your Family!

  4. Sheryl M
    Sheryl M says:

    It makes my soul so happy shopping through you, especially in sharp shopper since we don't have them on the west coast. So glad your wrist isn't the worst case scenario. I'm praying for a speedy recovery. Also I pray that this is the last of the unexpected traumas and that 2024 will be a clean slate. That the negative stays in 2023 and 2024 is full of strength, growth, refreshed goals, renewed focus, healing (in every way) and a whole lot of cooking. 😊 God bless you sweet sister. I'm so proud of you.


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