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Today I’m sharing my struggle with you and what I do for myself. Thanks to ButcherBox for sponsoring today’s video. Sign up to get …

39 replies
  1. Oum Saad
    Oum Saad says:

    Good morning Jamerill, please never feel the need to explain to us anything about your weight. You don't have to justify yourself ! We are pretty much all moms on here and I think we all struggled at some point in this journey too. For me, the struggle is all about my hair. I would have never imagined (having good hair before having children) but I have strong anemia deficiency when pregnant and/or breastfeeding. And I am nursing right now my fourth baby. My poor hair … So see, perfection is not from this world. We do our best and the things we think are best for our family. I won't quit breastfeeding because I am losing my hair. I think (personal opinion about my own life here, no judgment on other people lives) breastmilk is best for my little ones. So I just keep going and praying it will get better (taking vitamins but yeah struggling).

    Lots of love from Arabia

  2. Creatively country
    Creatively country says:

    I literally cried watching this jammerill!
    Have my own story of crazy life and circumstances that have led to a lot of weight ups and downs. Won’t share them all here…but just saying, the struggle is real. Knowing what we could do to help our weight, having social pressure to look a certain way. Yet living our daily life…
    It’s just so hard to focus on all the things, all the time
    And as a very intentional mama, I feel it’s difficult to eat different than my family too much. I not only like hot pretzels and ice cream…I MORE so love the shared food experiences with family
    If that even makes sense

  3. AuggiesMaMa
    AuggiesMaMa says:

    Just wanted to say thank you for sharing your story and I found this video so inspiring and motivating with my own struggles with weight and self love time. It's really nice to feel us breastfeeding mamas are not alone❤️❤️

  4. Wannabe Better
    Wannabe Better says:

    I did THM in 2014/15 too and really loved it. It's hard to wrap your head around. I am inspired again to try it, and found out that they have one of their books available in Audible. So, I've downloaded it and will start listening tomorrow. Best to you!

  5. john brooks
    john brooks says:

    Girl you look like you weigh way less than you use to and your skin and make-up look really good. Miss your sense of humor and laugh. You need to do you without all the diet food It sounds like it takes all of your time being distracted with counting, purchasing and explaining yourself.I feel your anxiety. It seems people with you tube channels, feel a need to tell all. You have a right to privacy.

  6. Following Jesus For Eternity
    Following Jesus For Eternity says:

    I appreciate the trim healthy momma books and such because it’s a different type of regimen, but when your day is full it’s hard to manage it. A low carb high protein diet has been helpful and sustainable in the long run. By the way you look beautiful and healthy.

  7. Tamera Wencl
    Tamera Wencl says:

    I just want to tell you, you look awesome just the way you are! You are a busy mama and get tons of exercise just doing your daily life. Do what makes you happy dear. Love your videos!

  8. Made in His Image
    Made in His Image says:

    I found out about THM through your vlog many years ago and had success right away but also experienced setbacks over the last few years and am trying to get back to healthy eating. I realize and have accepted that I will probably never get back to my “before kids” weight or look that way again… at 45 years of age with 4 kids, my goal now is to simply eat healthier and feel good.

  9. Treasure Rescue aka queenbean
    Treasure Rescue aka queenbean says:

    Oh Jamerrill I am praying for you and sending you strength. I too hang on to weight for most of my adult life. I started watching Dr. Ken Berry here on youtube and his wife Neisha who is a nurse (shes pregnant and due very soon!)…they have saved my life. I changed the way I ate to feel better (lots of health issues) and the weight came off without trying. I eat meat and veg, no starches, no sugars and I have lost 85 pounds without trying. I'm not gonna lie, I slip up and have a cookie or sweet coffee now and then but that makes my stomach revolt and wreck havoc on me lol….I still need to learn "fire hot". You just get back on the wagon and don't beat yourself up for eating wrong.

  10. huneebear
    huneebear says:

    All I know about this plan is what you have said in this video. Based on that, to me it sounds like it is far more complicated to follow this plan than to follow a simple keto plan.

  11. PatrioChick
    PatrioChick says:

    Just a thought…I know you mentioned hormone fluctuations… I know that’s an understatement with pregnancy, nursing, etc… it may be a good idea to have your T3, T4, free T3, TSH checked. I know a lot of practitioners check the over all TSH, but as women, the older we get, we need to check all the levels. There are natural alternatives, and things to take that are safe with nursing. Just my little two cents Jamerill! I know for me it helped so much! It can effect skin, and so many other things!

  12. Melissa N
    Melissa N says:

    Always been here for ALL the stories….God will see you through it, because he’s brought you to it…keep rocking the world and don’t be too hard on yourself….XO

  13. Becky Overstreet
    Becky Overstreet says:

    I wish ppl wouldn’t be so critical about others…ppl need to realize that we don’t know what all another woman is dealing with especially when her life is dealing with a large family running a business that has other ppl working under her about 12 of them.. plus making videos and all that entails getting it up onYouTube and all the work that YouTube takes etc homeschooling all those sweet young ppl …plus nursing a baby and taking care of that sweet baby ..and cooking all that food everyday making three meals a day and snacks .. plus coming up with new recipes trying them out and making adaptations till they are right and putting them into a blog and a recipe bundle to put up to taking care of all the animals plus gardening veggies and flowers and landscaping.. plus dealing with some kidney stones and dealing with all that adapting your meals from what you made to follow THM guidelines dealing with remodeling your home…plus dealing with what all that’s going on with the epidemic …plus just dealing with family life .. plus walking and exercising daily and plus dealing with everyone’s comments mostly good and some not so good very critical comments that I don’t understand….I mean if they had to do what all you do maybe they would be able to see that some grace would be a very nice thing to give another person that’s doing the best she can with all the things that she has to do in life! I’m like just having 9 precious kiddos is a whole lotta work ..enjoyable and endearing and lovingly still it’s a lot .. all I can say is my hat’s off to you for being the Godly,caring ,and graceful woman that you are ! Blessings!💕

  14. Barbara Ketchum
    Barbara Ketchum says:

    I stumbled across your channel a few years back when I started my own THM adventure. I stayed because you are such a genuine and kind person. As a mom of 3, dealing with chronic health issues, and turning 50 this year… my own weight has been up and down over the years. I go thru the same seasons of focus vs just handling what's the biggest fire of the moment. Good for you to continue to choose yourself!! Your channel is a gift to me and fills my heart full of positivity and love because of your authenticity. Thank you for all that you do and for being you!! ❤❤❤

  15. Penny Giller
    Penny Giller says:

    You are the most beautiful undeterred mom I ve seen on you tube! your constant will to go forward and not give up giving words of wisdom and hope to other moms is just awesome. You are amazing! Give yourself a break from being super mama! You deserve a break from it all if you need that time! Your channel hour life and we are honored that you share so much. I just learned about healthy living moms you talk about right now. Your new kitchen is looking great so far. Take care of you so you can care for others. You are amazing and beautiful!

  16. Kevin McCarthy
    Kevin McCarthy says:

    You are an amazing lady. You are so easy to trust with all of your life experiences, and children and moves. I’m not a Mom, a single man, won’t be married, but you amaze me. Remember daily, to straighten your crown and realize the difference you make daily in not only your families lives, but thousands of others. Thank you for making your platform a priority. But, Family is First! You are wonderful, and none of us are going anywhere. No demands and please don’t feel any stress from us. You’ll always be our family. Loving all the new Kitchen progress. Keep us posted. Hugs and blessings. You are a busy mother, wife, creator but most important, a beautiful human being. Keep feeding your soul and nurturing yourself. We respect and love you. Thank you. Kevin, Friend from Dallas. 💚☘️🌈☘️💚

  17. Marisol Contigo
    Marisol Contigo says:

    I feel so lucky to have you in my life! Even if its just through this screen. You do so much for your family and you share this to the world and by doing that you give so many of us so much warmth, hope, faith and happiness. You are such an amazing soul!! Such an inspiration!!!! Thank you for all you share with us!!! You are one of the most amazing mommas i know out there!!!

  18. Katie K
    Katie K says:

    September 19th I decided to stop dieting. I can’t stay on one long enough to get the results I want. Decided to only eat half of what I would normally eat but eat whatever I want. So far so good. I lost 45 pounds and I’m shooting for 60 by my one year anniversary.

  19. Jo O
    Jo O says:

    I discovered Bright Line Eating a few months back and its been a God-send to me. I've tried THM and it didn't do much. I am looking forward to cheering you on in your journey. Will you keep making content about the journey? Its motivational to so many of us!

  20. spookyfish24
    spookyfish24 says:

    I think it's important to acknowledge when we're in a difficult season and to do our best. I feel like our 'best' looks different on a day to day basis. You're a very smart lady and beautiful soul. I genuinely LIKE you and what you give to us. I hope you keep taking care of yourself for a long, long time. 🙂

  21. Shine Home Escentials
    Shine Home Escentials says:

    We grow, birth and raise our babies, all while working in and sometimes out of the home…the societal pressure to look a certain way is just beyond my comprehension…we are the superheros of the world


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