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An airy atelier is something we all dream of, but if you don’t have that kind of space (or budget) don’t despair. A small sewing space can still be quite productive.

5 replies
  1. Vivmom Sews
    Vivmom Sews says:

    “…you blink and it’s a disaster,” isn’t that the motto for life?!😂This was wonderful, Patty! You are such an accomplished maker, craftswoman, artisan, whatever we call it — you’re it. And that project on the table looks darn cute! Your space is so pretty. Love the pink. Thanks for a comprehensive tour!!

  2. Cat & Raven
    Cat & Raven says:

    I have a pegboard that I bought at Home Depot, and I wish someone here would sell all those cute pegboard containers I see all over Pinterest. Since they don't, I made a few bags with old denim legs and an embroidery hoop. They keep the small things safe from my cats. I've got a couple of plastic bin carts and drawers to keep the tiny stuff (needles, marking pens, etc.) close. I need to do a Konmari to my fabric stash because that's a bit out of control right now and I keep finding fabric I didn't know I had while searching for the one I need 😂

  3. Kathy Tincler
    Kathy Tincler says:

    Great vid and your set up is sweet! I have only the dining room for sewing/crafting. But because it looked nice before I started all this it still looks fine with my stuff spread out while using it I mean gee it's colorful…right?. Our couch divides the liv & din rm so I have a little sewing table & chair set up behind it instead of a fancy console table. I can't function in chaos either & am also disciplined about keep it organized. If we have company there is no problem clearing the table…I don't multi craft. (I only have 1 or 2 knit/crocheting projects going at once) I also have a small vertical chest of drawers in there that I thought would not look good between the 2 rooms but it's just fine. I'm not a huge shopper nor am I a collector so my stashes of anything are quite tiny compared to what I watch on youtube. How ever I do believe I'd be talking out the other side of my mouth if I didn't have a forced budget haha (seriously) Thanks for sharing all your cool & helpful info & have a great weekend 😀

  4. frank janvari
    frank janvari says:

    hello patty as seen in the video posted in November 29 2019 comments section waiting for you to film parts of the sewing machine video just wanted to make sure you didn't forget about it and read the comments please ok thank you very much and have a great day


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