Seeds to Sow in October | Seed Sowing in October | Vegetable Seed Sowing | Green Side Up

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Seeds to Sow in October | Seed Sowing in October | Vegetable Seed Sowing | Green Side Up Lettuce varieties sown today that I …

39 replies
  1. kevin thompson
    kevin thompson says:

    Hi Steve, need some advice, planted some garlic last year but had to dig them up a few months in due to moving house, I left them in my greenhouse to dry out they were very small and hadn't split
    I was wondering if I could cut the tops off and regrow them this year, what do you recomed I should do
    Kevin thompson

  2. Mark Shaw
    Mark Shaw says:

    I'm trying to grow more over winter this year, I've added Pak choi to my list, going to try garlic for the first time. Got my overwintered onions on the go. It amazing what u can grow over winter ๐Ÿฅถ lol

  3. Phil
    Phil says:

    Hey Steve
    As per usual such a very informative and useful video. I think your comment right at the beginning of your video about the time scales for crops and the info regarding frosts is invaluable. I love your enthusiasm, it's so encouraging and at the same time your honesty about 'mother nature' is so so on the ball and puts it all into perspective.

    I've just sown (some of) my garlic today and hope that next year I dont get hit with rust like this year!!
    Thanks again Steve for another fabulous video.
    From a true fan and friend


  4. Denise Lowe
    Denise Lowe says:

    Hi Steve. You've inspired me to try a few things in my greenhouse this winter. Any tips on ventilation? I've got automatic top windows but should I keep the vents shut for more warmth or open a little for airflow?

  5. Mark Mattocks
    Mark Mattocks says:

    Hi Steve, great, relaxing vids to watch, totally absorbing. Could you tell me where you got that large 30 cell propagation tray please? Like you say, handy size to have if plants need to stay snug longer than hoped๐Ÿ‘ I do have containerwise trays, but donโ€™t see this large 30 cell one on their sight.

  6. Cathy Bonner
    Cathy Bonner says:

    Hi Steve, I'm interested in what flower seeds I can sow now. I only have a small garden, no cover but there is an unheated greenhouse that I can use elsewhere. Can you give me some ideas please? I have gardening in my genes and love being outdoors

  7. Kim Bradley
    Kim Bradley says:

    Steve, I've started a book. I made a rough plan of the garden and where everything is planted. I've made notes of how things progressed (or not!). I want to change it a little next year and this will help me. Looking forward to your new build ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Ami Ladybug
    Ami Ladybug says:

    Thanks Steve I did a walk in Brassicas cage this year with a pallet and timber. Got given some poly tunnel sheeting and some heavy duty netting got cauliflower growing . Inside the green house just sow some lambs lettuce.

  9. S A-M.P
    S A-M.P says:

    Thanks Steve, that was very useful video although I don't have a polytunnel I will try some winter veg outside as already have seeds like pakchoi, spinach and Swiss chard. Is it too late for beetroot?

  10. The Grapevine Garden
    The Grapevine Garden says:

    Great advice Steve! Looking forward to seeing the polytunnel build! Luckily my frame is already there! We are very lucky firsttunnels support our channels. Looking forward to seeing another beautiful tunnel on your plot. Danny ๐ŸŒฑ

  11. Ballysillan Allotment-man
    Ballysillan Allotment-man says:

    You do a great job Steve i only grow a few overwintering crops but look forward to retiring from work in a couple of years' time and going for it 100% over winter my trouble now is i work six days a week as a grave digger and go to and from work in the dark over winter and my allotment is miles away from my home the only day i get with winter daylight is a Sunday and if anything has to be done at home it has to come first. I'm not moaning because the months when i get to allotment after work with daylight gives me so much pleasure

  12. Steve
    Steve says:

    I don't have a poly tunnel and once October comes I generally lift everything apart from sprouts and parsnips, I have emailed you about starting channel etc but once this time of year comes I would be struggling for content

  13. Christine Brooks
    Christine Brooks says:

    Hi Steve, lots of information about growing all year around. i have plants in my polytunnel growing for the first Winter & hope it will be successful. But, if it doesnt, no problem, just sow more seeds. Love your videos, always positive ways of growing. Thanks for sharing and take care ๐Ÿ™‚


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