Scary Good Short Ribs | Back To Bourdain E48

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Roasted veal short ribs. I’ll be honest I thought this was fool-proof. Let’s put this recipe to the test. Learning to cook short ribs from …

15 replies
  1. Daniel Claville
    Daniel Claville says:

    looking good!.
    I like making mash with mixes of different root veg, 50/50 potato/parsnip is great but also Jerusalem artichokes, celery root, percily root is great combined with each other and or potatos

  2. Kevin Feeley
    Kevin Feeley says:

    Braising is the route to take with that cut of beef. The added moisture helps to regulate the temperature to enable all of the collagen to get converted into gelatin. Salt that carrot water! That's the opportunity to get seasonings INTO the vegetables. Pull them right when they turn bright and then finish in a saute pan with a knob of butter and a sprinkle of sugar if you want them glazed, though I prefer to use demi with the butter and skip the added sweetness.
    Parsnips for me don't really go with beef or veal and pair much better with pork and game meat or poultry. The sharpness of their flavor tends to clash with the earthy tones of the beef. You could have stuck with mashed potatoes or gone with a rice dish, instead, such as risotto.
    Good job on remembering to pre-salt and air dry the ribs. It's worth it, in my experience.
    A note on the rib cut. If you keep the temp held at 275F for 45 minutes (at least) you can then reverse sear them and get the benefit of the collagen to gelatin conversion.
    Keep up the good work.


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