Save money on the road: RV Unplugged Rally Seminar

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Save money on the road: RV Unplugged Rally Seminar. Join Charity, popular YouTuber and RVer known as @GratefulGlamper …

6 replies
  1. Tracy Meskel
    Tracy Meskel says:

    We used to camp at KOA, but it just got to expensive. We found out that it was cheaper to buy a thousand trails zone pass, than it was to spend 8 days at KOA. We bought a thousand trails zone pass, back in 1992. We loved It, so much,hat when we went full time,in 2021, we purchased the Adventure pass. It covers all thousand trails, encore parks, RPI RV and Non RV, travel cabins, and cruises. We have loved it. We get 180 days booking window. So we are able to get into places most people can’t get into. My sister paid $250. per night, in Key West. I paid $20 a night. And we spent most the time at our RV site.


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